Okay i feel better now...except i need to sew and my boyfriend took the damn ruler with him to work and now i cant measure the fabric *sigh* when he gets home i shall bend him over and gives him ze zpanking with ze ruler on ze bumz!
I have things i need to mail out as well & i have no damn car cuz he took it to work..we really need another damn car. preferably a van. i really want a van cuz putting my kid in and out of a chevy coupe is killing my back.
ive always told myself i would never drive a minivan, but now i see why moms get them. CUZ OUR F**KING BACKS HURT AND KIDS REQUIRE CARRYING ALOTTA SHYTE AROUND I TELL YOU!
Anyways...im all excited about the zoo trip this weekend
i guess i better make myself something to wear because i have no warm weather clothes. I lost a bunch of weight and everything is too big. I cant believe i went from weighing over 200 pounds after havin my son down to 140-145 by his second birthday
I guess breast feeding for a year then dieting on coffee, cigarettes, and lean hot pockets can do that to you
I won my kid this really neato toy off eBay that im giving him for his 2nd birthday. It is neato! Its new and i got it for only $15
Its a robot who has a workbench and the robots eyes and mouth and hands and arms move and he shows little pictures on his belly like a t.v. while teaching the kid how to do stuff and all that crap. I hope it doesnt scare him because its loud and as soon as you turn it on the robot like yells out "HI! BLAH BLAH BLAH!" sings, and moves... first time i turned it on it scared me
...ive been playing with it in my room....its fun..
I have things i need to mail out as well & i have no damn car cuz he took it to work..we really need another damn car. preferably a van. i really want a van cuz putting my kid in and out of a chevy coupe is killing my back.
ive always told myself i would never drive a minivan, but now i see why moms get them. CUZ OUR F**KING BACKS HURT AND KIDS REQUIRE CARRYING ALOTTA SHYTE AROUND I TELL YOU!
Anyways...im all excited about the zoo trip this weekend
I won my kid this really neato toy off eBay that im giving him for his 2nd birthday. It is neato! Its new and i got it for only $15
...ive been playing with it in my room....its fun..