i just grabbed this pack of cigarettes by me and lit up, not really thinking of it. It turns out they were bills cigarettes from yesterday that he had in his back pocket all day at work, and they tatse like fokkin buttsweat and metal fumes puke
(hes a iron worker)
wow that sucked..
okies anyways, this weekend is my last weekend of freedom hehehe....
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haha playing with gas is fun shocked

that image of you in a sweatshop was kinda kinky. or maybe just the sweating.. love

have fun at the zoo. smile
Hey thanx for the run down of NC for me. I am actually going to be the greensboro (triad area from I hear). Well where I am from in Maine, its not overly exciting, and its friggin cold. I can deal with nothing in a warmer climate any day.... Plus I saw thats there like 4 stripclubs in Greensboro, so that should be fun wink
i tired to dye my hair pink and blue last night. somehow it ended up white, green, blue, and this ugly brownish-purple colorfrown im covered in dye stains, too and so is my bedfrown i feel like crying.... neh ill just buy some manic panic in a brite pink, im sure it will even it out to at least a bright purple. manic panic never...
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i really hate dye jobs gone wrong...it's happened to me many times.
i also hate dye stains!
the things we go through for rad hair...
the last (and only) time i tried to dsye my hair was when i tried to dye it electric blue. i had to bleach it, first. it all just fell out! ugh, that really sucked. frown and i think i fall in love everytime listen to bjork.
man im gonna be real busy... i have to make 30 items in around 30 days to send to a boutique in the UK ...15 skirts & 15 pairs of pants eeek i bought another sewing machine today, one that serges er surges or whatever the hell you spell it..hey you know whats funny? i won a school spelling bee when i was in junior high...
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Thank you.

I think it wouldn't be quite so funny if Pikachu wasn't such a staple in my household. My son and my daughter could very well be sleeping with the little yellow bugger right now as I type this.

Yeah, I was a little peeved when I wrote that entry earlier today. Now that I look back on it I suppose I should take it down since it sort of paints me as a giant neanderthal asshole.

Well, thank you again.

And good luck on your upcoming shipment of clothes, I hope all goes as planned. No, scratch that, I hope it all goes better than planned. biggrin

well i did nothing but boring stuff for saturday night...again..frown however, earlier yesterday my hunny took me & my boy shoppingbiggrin he got me a pretty black demi-cut bra and boyleg panties that where the hips are is fishnet and lacewink
i been sewing like hell lately. i bought those "heavy duty denim" needles and am still breaking them left and right tyring to sew...
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A fellow big booty girl! Excellent. Welcome to SG and all that good stuff. Are you going on the NCSG zoo trip?
ooooooh! theres a zoo trip coming up?! the asheboro zoo? hells yeah i am inbiggrin when where who what how when?!
today i figured out i can request freinds by clicking uder thier lil picture hehehe. i am going around clicking everyone i can =^_^= im such a goober..hey i cant help all these chicks rule!
I uploaded those pics into a folder called april 2004 i was trying to find. yay.
My lil boy is bieng extra good todaysmile I may take him to the...
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thank you for the lovely comment on my set. it's much appreciated. you should check out the 2 girl set i did with the lovely Kira that we put up in my folders. i think that set was way hotter but i can see why it wasn't accepted. we should have shot more pics but didn't. oh well next time we'll do much better.
the set of you & kira is awesomesmile i think its cute where you guys are fighting with (ice cream? butter?) hehehehe wink kiras a hot chika!
I just wrote a long entry then hit 2 keys on accident and lost it... *murders self* anyways...id like to know if and how i can upload more pics..i just got a pic back from a photoshoot i did of me in some of my clothes i made and would like to share.... and no im not nekkid lol. shoot i wish i could be...
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in case you havent noticed by looking in my fav pics:
" i like big butts and i cannot lie! all you brothas can not deny!"
and that is all. smile oh p.s. i figured out the pic upload. yay.

[Edited on Apr 29, 2004 9:32AM]
Prepare for a dozen comments here telling you to get a new boyfriend. wink
Yay, my credit card worked for once and now i can join in on watching the loveliness that is suicide girls! I love this site & all the ladiessmile I like boys, too, i mean i have a boyfriend and all...but looking at chicks is so much fun biggrin everyone on here is so pretty in thier own way. Im very envious smile The forums look entertaining,...
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welcome aboard smile