still dont know who my secret santa is but THANK YOU!!MWAHHH!....
Soooo what have I been up to since I last updated...sorry about it being so late by the way.You know what they say,good girls keep diaries , bad girls don't have the time...well safe to say I don't have the time.Between walks of shame and a full time job I pretty much a blog bore! promise this on will be good!....
sooooo quick catch up.Got Job,loved it now dislike it inntensely.Now got offered a another,(yey!!!)better hours and with friends.So here is hoping (cross your fingers,toes and erm..legs if you can for me!).Moved to a lovely new flat.Much cleaner,nicer and so muc happier here.Broke up with my boyfriend who I moved to shrewsbury for...boo urns,had the worst 3 months ever but i'm much happier now.I'm glad I made the right choice and followed my head and my heart.Sometimes love isn't enough...esp when the connection was never really there...and erm what else???made some lovely new friends some of whom I'm going to thailand with (hurrah exciting fun times ahoy!....we hope!...fingers crossed people! )
Oh and I fell in love again.Great.Thats a lie.I didn't fall in love again,.It found me hiding under a pile of used boxes,eased me out,dusted me off and then hit me slam bang in the face again.Lovely.Oh and if it would be so nice to take out the little dagger it has somehow inserted into my heart, I would be REALLY thankful!.The difference between your first love and a new actual one?.....It's less innocent and sweet and alot more fucking scary.It's not ment to be this easy and wonderful is it?surely not?...ok he is currently 10,000 miles away which makes it a million times harder and less easy, so god help me when the distance is sorted and he comes home....thats when It gets scarier right?....eeekkk!!.Anyway I'm floating around the earth at the minute...lalalalalalalala.......
Here are some lovely pictures....


anyway it appears the photo up load is being a cunt so I will add more next blog!....let me know how you pussykittens are doing!mwah for now x x x
still dont know who my secret santa is but THANK YOU!!MWAHHH!....
Soooo what have I been up to since I last updated...sorry about it being so late by the way.You know what they say,good girls keep diaries , bad girls don't have the time...well safe to say I don't have the time.Between walks of shame and a full time job I pretty much a blog bore! promise this on will be good!....
sooooo quick catch up.Got Job,loved it now dislike it inntensely.Now got offered a another,(yey!!!)better hours and with friends.So here is hoping (cross your fingers,toes and erm..legs if you can for me!).Moved to a lovely new flat.Much cleaner,nicer and so muc happier here.Broke up with my boyfriend who I moved to shrewsbury for...boo urns,had the worst 3 months ever but i'm much happier now.I'm glad I made the right choice and followed my head and my heart.Sometimes love isn't enough...esp when the connection was never really there...and erm what else???made some lovely new friends some of whom I'm going to thailand with (hurrah exciting fun times ahoy!....we hope!...fingers crossed people! )
Oh and I fell in love again.Great.Thats a lie.I didn't fall in love again,.It found me hiding under a pile of used boxes,eased me out,dusted me off and then hit me slam bang in the face again.Lovely.Oh and if it would be so nice to take out the little dagger it has somehow inserted into my heart, I would be REALLY thankful!.The difference between your first love and a new actual one?.....It's less innocent and sweet and alot more fucking scary.It's not ment to be this easy and wonderful is it?surely not?...ok he is currently 10,000 miles away which makes it a million times harder and less easy, so god help me when the distance is sorted and he comes home....thats when It gets scarier right?....eeekkk!!.Anyway I'm floating around the earth at the minute...lalalalalalalala.......
Here are some lovely pictures....

anyway it appears the photo up load is being a cunt so I will add more next blog!....let me know how you pussykittens are doing!mwah for now x x x
happy happy happy birthday dear!!how are you ? a lots of kisses to you !!!!

Well hello there... Ding dong!