well the bunnypudding and tragique tour of europe has already started...ill be joining my beautiful friend in two weeks!.
we need to name the tour...any ideas please leave below.. .
Big update comming soon...after ive moved,graduated and fitted in two months worth of sex into 4 days with my boyfriend....(but i wont put up pictures of that) and finally got to london then malta...no idea what im doing about bloody london...got to get there for my flight in luton..sigh...busy bunny this next fortnight!.
Now get your PVA, glitter and safety scissors out and be creative with a tour name...prizes for the best (actual prizes aswell..)god im nice today...and im not even drunk.
we need to name the tour...any ideas please leave below.. .

Big update comming soon...after ive moved,graduated and fitted in two months worth of sex into 4 days with my boyfriend....(but i wont put up pictures of that) and finally got to london then malta...no idea what im doing about bloody london...got to get there for my flight in luton..sigh...busy bunny this next fortnight!.
Now get your PVA, glitter and safety scissors out and be creative with a tour name...prizes for the best (actual prizes aswell..)god im nice today...and im not even drunk.
Everything I want=Everything I want!