Bored.On my own tonight.Strange that considering i used to long to be on my own now i find i prefer company..maybe its actually for the first time in my life ive surrounded myself with people i actually like.
Currently waiting for payday on which me and my lovely tragique will go on a mini adventure.Which should be fun a nd exciting.Doing a shoot on weds but not too excited about it really just your basic stright face but it will be fun to do some thing creative this week.Going shrews on friday and hopefully we can get some great shots from that little trip.Still excited and looking for models though...everyone is fucking me off..considering everyone wants to be a model these days there is certainly a lack of them around here at this point...hmmm
Currently just waiting for malta now.i cannot wait!.Hopefully ill be able to get a job as soon as i get there and be able to move when i get back.I cannot wait for the change.Life here at the minute is pretty bleak.
My friends back with her dick head boyfriend.Given up even trying to give advice.I cant even be bothered to guess how long it will before he reverts back to the digusting childish cunt that he usually graces the world as.People change for themselves,they never change for others.Simple fact.My other friend is fucking up her relationship for god knows what reason aswell.Honestly what is with people?.They are either falling in love with every girl who utters two words to them or they are cheating on someone they are ment to love and trust.
To the tell the truth i cant even be arsed anymore.Id rather discuss anything other than other peoples love lives as i usualy find myself wanting to hit the person until their eyes bleed tdue to their stupidy..and i dont think im the only one!.
as for other news,I get my degree results next week.Not excited and im scared.Very very scared but oh well.Aslong as i pass i will be happy.Then i can run off and be happy!haha.
call this an undate rather than blog as ill add more at the end of the week with the shoot pictures.
goss and random thoughts welcome x
Currently waiting for payday on which me and my lovely tragique will go on a mini adventure.Which should be fun a nd exciting.Doing a shoot on weds but not too excited about it really just your basic stright face but it will be fun to do some thing creative this week.Going shrews on friday and hopefully we can get some great shots from that little trip.Still excited and looking for models though...everyone is fucking me off..considering everyone wants to be a model these days there is certainly a lack of them around here at this point...hmmm
Currently just waiting for malta now.i cannot wait!.Hopefully ill be able to get a job as soon as i get there and be able to move when i get back.I cannot wait for the change.Life here at the minute is pretty bleak.
My friends back with her dick head boyfriend.Given up even trying to give advice.I cant even be bothered to guess how long it will before he reverts back to the digusting childish cunt that he usually graces the world as.People change for themselves,they never change for others.Simple fact.My other friend is fucking up her relationship for god knows what reason aswell.Honestly what is with people?.They are either falling in love with every girl who utters two words to them or they are cheating on someone they are ment to love and trust.
To the tell the truth i cant even be arsed anymore.Id rather discuss anything other than other peoples love lives as i usualy find myself wanting to hit the person until their eyes bleed tdue to their stupidy..and i dont think im the only one!.
as for other news,I get my degree results next week.Not excited and im scared.Very very scared but oh well.Aslong as i pass i will be happy.Then i can run off and be happy!haha.
call this an undate rather than blog as ill add more at the end of the week with the shoot pictures.
goss and random thoughts welcome x
I always try to tell myself the same ting but god its hard to believe yourself sometimes!
How are things your end?
I'm not gonna take shit I told you. If it fucks up again, it fucks up, who cares? I have to much to look forward to and not enought time to spend giving a shit about things like that. I could take it or leave it.