Does anyone know of any companies that make lingerie for fuller cup sizes. I'm a natural 32G and it's nearly impossible to find anything. I'm also going to begin ranting so I am going to apologize in advance.
I wish I didn't have to work 2 jobs at 7 days a week. I'm always tired and never have time for anything else and even with both jobs I still have trouble financially. Being an adult really does fucking blow. They surely don't warn you about it when you're little.
I want to start shooting more but I can never seem to find anyone to shoot with, usually due to schedules conflicting but there isn"t much I can do about that.
Still pretty bummed that my first set didn't do very well, but I can see all my mistakes and the fact that I was newly bald and curvy as all fuck totally didn't help. I'm not very many people's cup of tea. I'm hoping that the other two sets I shot with Alissa do better. I have yet to see any of them so the anticipation is kinda killing me. If these don't do well, then I suppose I just wasn't cut out for the company.
Dude I'm seeing also told me I've gained weight and that I have a "tummy"...definitely not awesome...Killed any kind of positivity I had to day along with all the added financial stress and moving...fuck I need a vacation.
My back is killing me and I should start getting ready for bed. I hope you all have a great night and I hope I wake up in a better mood and have a more positive attitude. Today was just a really shit one I suppose. again....I'm rambling...
Sweetest of dreams, Bunny