in other words.. my heart just isn't in this anymore. =(
I had much to say originally for this post..quite the long tirade of both the good and the terrible I paid witness to on this site. eh, I believe it was for the best that i got timed out or whatever the fuck that was.
Love you all like family....
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in other words.. my heart just isn't in this anymore. =(
I had much to say originally for this post..quite the long tirade of both the good and the terrible I paid witness to on this site. eh, I believe it was for the best that i got timed out or whatever the fuck that was.
Love you all like family....
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1 day
Take care dude. Who knows, I may not be around too much longer either. It depends. There won't be anyone left to read my journal entries, so what would be the point.
Since our internet connections in SA is really shitty ... we decided not to get WoW. I understand it is really great. I would love to play it, but powercuts and a shitty connection does not help the game.
Frontline Assembly, Stromkern, and especially Dj? Acucrack (holy fuck!) blew up Logan square, Chicago last night. acucrack's bass was so damn strong my heart almost gave out. the show fucking owned. Chicago isnt the greatest city on the map but Chi-towns rivethead -industrial scene is incredibly strong. and the ladies. nothing but love.
too bad I gotta miss out on raymond watts tho!
too bad I gotta miss out on raymond watts tho!

Yeah, I don't know. That Pig show is on a Wednesday. I mean if we decided to go I'm sure I could make another treck down to Illinois, though I might askl for a couple bucks for gas this time. We'll's on the 28th. I guess I might be willing to make the treck again if you like. It does make for a long day though and I have to double make sure something important isn't going on that day. Let me know what you think though.
i agree---hehe
wtf did that relate to?
wtf did that relate to?
ACK !!
change is refreshing at times.. but whoa.. holy jihad assault on my senses, batman.
and I loathe the word; 'blog' ..that word is akin to a sound I make when I technicolor yawn.
it will take some time to find my equilibrium up on here .. so lost.

change is refreshing at times.. but whoa.. holy jihad assault on my senses, batman.
and I loathe the word; 'blog' ..that word is akin to a sound I make when I technicolor yawn.
it will take some time to find my equilibrium up on here .. so lost.
it is quite a change. they have stupid ads too! that could become more and more annoying.
remember kevin wojik? i've been talking to him for quite a while. he was going to move to prague, but the work situation isn't the greatest out i'm trying to get him to move to denver instead.
you should think about it too. you could get transferred, right?! besides, you'd have a place to crash for a while...
c'mon you know you wanna get out of sconny.
miss you kiddo!! i should be in town in august or so...i hope! it's dependent on my work situation.
remember kevin wojik? i've been talking to him for quite a while. he was going to move to prague, but the work situation isn't the greatest out i'm trying to get him to move to denver instead.
you should think about it too. you could get transferred, right?! besides, you'd have a place to crash for a while...
c'mon you know you wanna get out of sconny.
miss you kiddo!! i should be in town in august or so...i hope! it's dependent on my work situation.
I reacted the same....though some of the features are really cool after looking around. Bu yeah, holy shit.
I miss you up on here! hope you are well! love ya!
I miss you up on here! hope you are well! love ya!

Luck doesn't have anything to do with it. That omnipotent sicko is goin' DOWN!
Yeah, I want to form a vigilanty anti-dog abuse team that tortures and kills animal abusers. I think it would theraputic...

d00dz, I seriously need to update this thing.
hmmm. what to say..what to say..(?) update coming sooner..or later.
hmmm. what to say..what to say..(?) update coming sooner..or later.

*::zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzz zzzzz zzz zzzz::*
I'm so lazy...
I didn't mean I was pissed at you if that's how you took. I just couldn't hear shit and I was pretty tired and made the mistake of trying to work on my music at the same time. Frustration. I was pretty dizzy too. Yes, an update would be cool, but you haven't been sick so you don't have all this time on your hands, so it's understandable. I mailed you about the movie. I didn't know he already expressed interest. Well, cool. Yeah, I'll seeya at work, we'll finalize it then. And YEES no text blox. Much better.
Thanks bro. Glad to be back.
What do you have planned for the holidays??

What do you have planned for the holidays??
I'm getting quite drunk on great amounts of mulled wine and New Glarus Ale today. not much else on the schedule other then achieving maximum intoxication. ..tis the season, don't yar know.?.
Give me a day or so to rest up after this and i'll update. I'll respond to you all soon. Take care. much love.
How was your weekend?
Give me a day or so to rest up after this and i'll update. I'll respond to you all soon. Take care. much love.
How was your weekend?
I've been stoned all weekend. So it's been pretty good!

I've been completeing several songs lately, so that in itself is quite the high

There is an ancient story about a soldier who approached Hakuin, an 8th century teacher.
Hakuin was sitting peacefully in deep meditation when the soldier approached.
Soldier: "Is there really a Heaven and Hell?"
Hakuin replied: "Who are you?"
Soldier: "I am a General."
Hakuin: "Ha, ha! What fool employed you to be a General? You look more like a butcher!"
The General became enraged...
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Hakuin was sitting peacefully in deep meditation when the soldier approached.
Soldier: "Is there really a Heaven and Hell?"
Hakuin replied: "Who are you?"
Soldier: "I am a General."
Hakuin: "Ha, ha! What fool employed you to be a General? You look more like a butcher!"
The General became enraged...
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No problem! I always looking for more people to chat with about music. What sort of kit are you using now?
Cheers! Mine was quite peacefull. Didn't really get up to much. How did yours go?
The Del show was some cool shit.
Del the funky homosapien and Hieroglyphics. It was more centered around Del in many ways then the rest of hiero. They played some of his solo shit and that Gorillaz tune "Clint Eastwood".. I geeked out at all that. No del(tron) tunes though. It was tight tight mad tight. Del himself was flying back and forth right next...
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Del the funky homosapien and Hieroglyphics. It was more centered around Del in many ways then the rest of hiero. They played some of his solo shit and that Gorillaz tune "Clint Eastwood".. I geeked out at all that. No del(tron) tunes though. It was tight tight mad tight. Del himself was flying back and forth right next...
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Sorry to hear that you mother's friend passed away
it must be really hard for him....but he is very lucky to have your helps him more than you know, I am certain of that.
The rally was hella fun, I love to do them every year. I always look forward to it, even if I got so lost this time.
I applied for other jobs, cross your paws for me!
On another note, check your testimonials, I left you a lil something.
What are your plans for the weekend?

The rally was hella fun, I love to do them every year. I always look forward to it, even if I got so lost this time.
I applied for other jobs, cross your paws for me!
On another note, check your testimonials, I left you a lil something.
What are your plans for the weekend?

Im glad I still have you my dear friend*shakes hand*
Now about how horrible 'House of the Dead' is! LEt me begin by saying the acting in the movie was just crap. The storyline made no sense(Sega rave on an island?!) The worst though was when they kept throwing in small clips from the video game. Not to mention when they were fighting the lame zombies they kept doing this camera freeze and spinning around the person in slo-mo.(lame!). The worst though is when the people would shoot at the zombies. It kept cutting to video game clips and it had a lame ass rap song playing in the background!
Now about how horrible 'House of the Dead' is! LEt me begin by saying the acting in the movie was just crap. The storyline made no sense(Sega rave on an island?!) The worst though was when they kept throwing in small clips from the video game. Not to mention when they were fighting the lame zombies they kept doing this camera freeze and spinning around the person in slo-mo.(lame!). The worst though is when the people would shoot at the zombies. It kept cutting to video game clips and it had a lame ass rap song playing in the background!