I went out to my driveway and saw this beautiful asian woman. (Who'd I'd never seen before) She had the most beautiful long black hair. Darker than anything I had seen before. I noticed she was pouring something out of a large jar and the substance was covering my entire drive way. WhenI went to approach her, she pulled out a large tree branch and set it on fire. I then stepped forward and she threw it to the ground, igniting the fluid, setting the ground around us a blaze.
I looked to the ground and noticed a giant hole open in the ground between us and i felt something coming out of it. Something big. I looked for things around me tossing them in, in an attempt to seal the opening before what ever was about to emerge could make an exit.
I looked back up and the woman was gone but just then a massive group of giant tree men, (kind of like in Lord of the Rings) were approaching me and my home. I looked around for something to defend myself but what would work against such creatures?
I guess the adrenaline of the oncoming battle had woken me up because at that point the dream had ended. It was really exciting and admittedly a bit scary but I wish that I could have seen what was about to happen next. I don't know what caused such a thing to enter my mind but I do kind of wish that I would have more dreams like this. I haven't stopped thinking about it since.