Thunder storms in LA this morning. It sucks that I can easily recall the last 4 or 5 earthquakes we've had but I cannot tell you when the last thunder storm was to save my life. We've been in such a crazy drought for so long. So this change is weather is wonderful. I've always loved the rain. The sound it makes when it hits the ground, plants, trees, the roof of the house, the windows. All of it. And the smellll! 😍 It's amazing. Everything just seems cleaner after a good rain, too. Plants are greener, side walks are clear, and it's like the air has been filtered from all the smog and pollution. It only lasts for such a brief instance around here but nothing feels more like a "brand new day" than a morning after a good rain in LA.
Hope you all have a lovely day today. Best wishes from me to you. Always.