New cut. What do you think? It's basically the same thing only shorter. It's been over a year since I cut my hair but I've been feeling like a bum lately so it had to go. I ain't no Jesus either so another reason to cut it off. Anyway, I like it. I'm actually pretty proud of my beard, too, at the moment so I
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32 years above ground today. Can't imagine too many more after this. Happy birthday to me, I guess.
"Hot Ryu" from Street Fighter V ain't got shit on me. Lol.
Maybe the tingling of Spiderman's Spider Sense has something to do with the poor placement of the string on this balloon. Or maybe Spidey is just into the weird stuff.
This photo was taken by me near my home and was just a great photo opp I saw that made me laugh out loud.
First HIM album I imported after Razorblade Romance changed my life. The title track on this greatest hits album is probably my favorite love song ever written. It's not fake, there's no fantasy, just honesty. I can't believe its been 11 years since I bought this album. HIM has now been a huge part of over 1/3 of my life. I honestly don't know where
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Buuut... All these amazing new sets keep popping up in Member Review 😩 Heh, oh well. Looks like I'll be busy leaving "hearts" and comments. ❤😇😍
[This was actually about three weeks ago but I never posted this story here] Last night I was attacked and robbed (of my empty wallet lol) on my way home from work. There were three guys and I got hit with a blunt object a few times in the head and needed to spend most of the night in the emergency room. I ended up
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This is the thanks I get for being a super hero who also does un-super heroics.
I was getting home late as hell from a late launch at work tonight. I was walking down my driveway when I'm stopped by my neighbor lady who is freaking out because she can't get her sprinkler system to shut off and its been going for so long that...
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So, the other day at work, something was falling, I caught it, a thick piece of plastic caught my skin and tore through it like it was scooping ice cream. It didn't hurt but I had to immediately rely on my survival instincts to stop the blood from leaving my body. Lol. We didn't have a proper medical kit, so that there is a paper
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#fbf to the year 2003 (has it been that long already!?) when I first gave this album a listen at Tower Records. I sampled Your Sweet Six Six Six and immediately bought the album. After listening to the rest of it, I imported all their other albums since this one was the only one available in the states. Needless to say I was in love.
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I haven't posted a picture of myself in forever. I haven't TAKEN a picture of myself in forever. So here's an awkward - doomy looking - shameful - bathroom selfie. Enjoy. Or don't. Have a nice day :)