Bring me back to this night, please. What an absolutely amazing show. The Wiltern in Los Angeles was the very first place I ever saw HIM live, many years ago. It felt fitting that it be the last place I see them on their farewell tour. Gonna miss the hell out of these guys but I'm still hopeful for a reunion tour at some point.
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😍 😍 😍 😍
Oh... 💜 I still miss them so much. 😢

Came home from work yesterday to find some extra special mail. Both extremely happy and sad to hold this ticket in my hand. This is the band that literally saved my life and this will be the last time I ever see them. I'm super grateful that I've been able to go to as many of their shows as I have and I'll continue to
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So jealous. I've had the pleasure of seeing them *sad face*
My second favorite band of all-time (after Judas Priest).  Really bummed they're calling it quits.  My favorite albums of them in order are Deep Shadows, Love Metal, Dark Light, and Razorblade Romance.  We only saw them in 2008 though.  We'll have to see them in SF.  This is it! Very sad. :(

I went to my sister's house for Easter dinner and my 13 year old nephew was showing me all the Walking Dead Legos he's been making out of spare parts and Sharpies. He's made like 30 of them! This one was my favorite. 😂



If you guys haven't already, you should check out my beautiful friend @mchinley I've been such a huge fan since before she even had a set in MR. Now, she has plenty. And they are all so gorgeous. I don't know how many people this will reach but please visit her page and leave her all your love. She deserves to be Set of the
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<3 <3 <3 FULL LOVE
So gorgeous😍

Sad news is that my third year on SG expires today!!! 😢

Good news is that I just re-up'd for my fourth year! 😊😊😊 Seems like each year gets better as I get to know more and more people. Looking forward to the coming year and keeping in touch with all of you. Also, looking forward to what all my favorite SGs and Hopefuls have...
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Yaay :D 
Uhuuuu :3

I just found out that Goku, from Dragon Ball, is going to be the face of the 2020 Olympics! How freaking awesome is that!? I know that he isn't even human (or real) but he's always been a character that inspires me to push myself beyond what I believe is possible. Such a great attitude to bring to the World Games. Looking forward to it....
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So, this is fucking awesome! Will definitely be getting some Olympic merch that year

You guys, looking at the date on this magazine I realize that I bought it exactly 10 years ago! Holy crap! The impossibly gorgeous @vikki caught my eye that day and I had to know more about her. Well, a LOT has happened between then and now but, holy freaking moly! She's a Suicide Girl now! She also has a new set in MR that
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Ice T says what now? :/ I mean, @Vikki is hawt, but that just caught my eye O_o
@shinyarmour90 this magazine was waayyyy out there. Dark web, almost. Especially if you live in the US because it was an import. It was always a super interesting read, though, and went on to feature other UK SG on their cover.

[I posted this on my Instagram but figured it should be posted here, too, since it's all SG related]

Last #womancrushwednesday of 2016. All people are talking about is how bad this year has been but it also had some very amazing moments, too. Like at SDCC when I FINALLY got to meet the absolutely perfect @saria (can't sing her enough praises 😍) That meant
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much love!!!

Welcome to the family, lil buddy 💘💘💘

The short cables are a pain in the ass but otherwise, this thing is rad as hell. There were a few games I wish it had included but overall, an awesome piece of nostalgia for anyone who grew up in the 80s. So much history in that tiny little grey box. I'll always love you, Nintendo. 😘

I have the classic still, and I have several games. Several times I like to play with

Thunder storms in LA this morning. It sucks that I can easily recall the last 4 or 5 earthquakes we've had but I cannot tell you when the last thunder storm was to save my life. We've been in such a crazy drought for so long. So this change is weather is wonderful. I've always loved the rain. The sound it makes when it hits...
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I love it when you call me Lady Marlene, makes me feel special

Big Boss from Metal Gear because he's my absolute favorite video game character of all time. Not only is he a total badass but he has his own moral code that he sticks to no matter what the cost. Bob from Bob's Burgers. This one because my friends actually tell me that his dry humor and scepticism actually remind them of me AND because I
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My old arm was lame so I got a new one.

I will miss my tattoos, though 😩

Wow 😍
Cute 😻