I've been a little off my blog-game, so I thought the best way to start would be with some SG Homework from @missy.
My father and best friend's been skating for some years now, picked it back up in his early 30's and is doing his best to roll with it. This man's broken every bone in his body. Now in his early 40's, it'd been an understatement to say witnessing him pop those breaks back into place and getting back on a board's anything less than inspiring. I'd like to share some of his recent thoughts:
"Frustrations in skateboarding. I tend to get down on myself when having a bad skate session. The adversities in different bowls, copings and conditions tend to give us excuses on our abilities as amateurs, weekend warriors or just skating for fun guys. I have to remind myself of the purity of skateboarding as I do with surfing and tame the anger that comes with inconsistencies. A friend of mine saw my dimenor, pulled me aside and said... "you're not good enough to be pissed off". Kinda puts things in perspective. Enjoy your abilities and don't take them so seriously."
Enjoy your abilities and don't take them so seriously. Hope it helps you guys like it's helped me these last few weeks.
XOXO, Bummer.