In honor of Zombie Jesus Day, we posted a new episode of my podcast (The Top 5 Podcast Spectacular) Episode 019 -- Top 5 Places Where We'd Like To Have Sex. Each episode, in smart yet tasteless humor, we discuss the Top 5 stories in Tech and Tunes, we play a Top 5 Quiz against each other, and then share our lists for the Top5 of the Week. We're listed on iTunes, Zune, and Podcast Alley and you can check out the show at you can even leave voicemail comments at 72-SHESAID-2.
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OOOH also, you could really help our site out this (and every) month by voting for us on Podcast Alley. If you use this link, all you have to do is enter your email address, and you have then voted for us. you will not receive spam, you will not be put on a mailing list, all you have to do is click on a confirmation email that comes to your inbox just so that they can prove you actually voted. Thanks so much!

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OOOH also, you could really help our site out this (and every) month by voting for us on Podcast Alley. If you use this link, all you have to do is enter your email address, and you have then voted for us. you will not receive spam, you will not be put on a mailing list, all you have to do is click on a confirmation email that comes to your inbox just so that they can prove you actually voted. Thanks so much!

Thanks sweetie. I am going shopping tomorrow and buying a new dress. It always helps.