felt bad that people were feeling sorry for my cold, well the cold is gone. some minor congestion but that is likely allergies. hurrah!
got my first paid podcasting gig. i will be editing down episodes of the Free Beer Podcast (www.vivalaballcam.com) weekly for cash. I usually appear as a guest on their show Friday nights for fun drinking games. i will also be making an appearance on the Trivial Trivia podcast (www.trivialtriviapodcast.com) in a few days to guest on their show. Trivia rounds include U.S. Presidents, Disney Music, and the movie "A Few Good Men". I also may be doing a music segment for an abbreviated version of their show. On top of doing my show, which I have to finishing editing today (www.top5podcast.com), I should have another Chain of Fools show coming soon (http://felicemedia.com/chainoffoolsblog/) and I may get to do a guest segment on Podquiz (www.podquiz.com). This is too much fun.
Anxiety is a motherfucker. I think I lost a friend because of it.
I need to somehow get together $120. if i can get that, I can make 20 gallons of beer per month and sell it to pay the rent. 22oz bottles for $5 or fill up 2-liters for immediate consumption for $13. crossing fingers.
im influenced by NessieOutlaw's recent feat of getting shit done in a day. going to do some laundry, some cleaning, some editing of my show, and maybe get a 15-30 second promo clip started so i can advertise more.
got my first paid podcasting gig. i will be editing down episodes of the Free Beer Podcast (www.vivalaballcam.com) weekly for cash. I usually appear as a guest on their show Friday nights for fun drinking games. i will also be making an appearance on the Trivial Trivia podcast (www.trivialtriviapodcast.com) in a few days to guest on their show. Trivia rounds include U.S. Presidents, Disney Music, and the movie "A Few Good Men". I also may be doing a music segment for an abbreviated version of their show. On top of doing my show, which I have to finishing editing today (www.top5podcast.com), I should have another Chain of Fools show coming soon (http://felicemedia.com/chainoffoolsblog/) and I may get to do a guest segment on Podquiz (www.podquiz.com). This is too much fun.
Anxiety is a motherfucker. I think I lost a friend because of it.
I need to somehow get together $120. if i can get that, I can make 20 gallons of beer per month and sell it to pay the rent. 22oz bottles for $5 or fill up 2-liters for immediate consumption for $13. crossing fingers.
im influenced by NessieOutlaw's recent feat of getting shit done in a day. going to do some laundry, some cleaning, some editing of my show, and maybe get a 15-30 second promo clip started so i can advertise more.
I was soprano, but I don't really sing anymore. Its more like yelling. Haha. Lol I was in choir in high school, but it made me so sick of singing that I just stopped doing it. Well I sing noe, but not good
i'm dying the pink parts dark red tomorrow... i can't have normal hair. lol. I'm a natural blonde... so i'm glad it doesn't look too wonkey
I'm still not sure if i like it at all....