My anxiety sure is kicking up a lot. Last week when i was on the other side of the block on my walk, i almost had a meltdown. i got light headed and my heart skipped a beat because i suddenly felt sooo far from my house. today i felt that i was trapped in my house because of this stupid storm. more because i could not see the sky. im letting my brain fuck me up.
but im riding it out, playing DS (Zelda
hantom Hourglass), watching Cricket on (currently India vs Sri Lanka; when do i get to see the Aussies play?), and hoping to catch a buzz tonight.
btw, how amazing does Annalee look in her new set?

but im riding it out, playing DS (Zelda

btw, how amazing does Annalee look in her new set?

oh no, we could work on it out of class. what i meant was that i feel little motivation outside of class, when i'm not being "forced" into making something. It's a slump i want to get out of pretty badly. i love ceramics too !! I have a wheel but no kiln, and have surely fallen out of practice, although i used to be pretty ok.
catch a buzz ? hahahaha