so today we started kegging beer for the first time. it is unbelievable how much easier it is to keg beer than it is to bottle it. no stress, no doing so much sanitizing and washing ahead of time. just dump beer and go. I put the Chocolate Stout in the keg today and off to the fridge. some time in the next couple of days i will add the mint flavoring that will complete the recipe. It is a recipe from our Homebrew Club last month; this month we are brewing a Scottish 80. After tasting a delicious light Rye beer at Main St. Brewery, im so ready to brew some sessionable beers for spring.
and i even have that white tight shirt you were speaking off
maybe i can come over and you can test out your shots of side boob, etc ....

thats totally what i was checking out in the bottom picture! lets photograph those dazzling beauties from all angles!