so Top 5 Podcast Spectacular Episode 10 went up. All music related Top 5 lists. So far so good on reactions. we're up to over 40 subscribers on a regular basis. Thats double in just two months. I'm stoked. Web semi-stardom here I come. though Gabe and I had a good talk and realize we wouldnt mind being well-known but yet not recognizable.
Chain of Fools might be abandoned or I may have to take it over. im going to be jammed with podcasts.
This Great Podcast Scavenger Hunt might be awesome, if that goes through as well. or will I end up taking that over?
Chain of Fools might be abandoned or I may have to take it over. im going to be jammed with podcasts.
This Great Podcast Scavenger Hunt might be awesome, if that goes through as well. or will I end up taking that over?

damn theres a lot of people like my crush on fair