ok, i have some temporary residency and a computer from where i can finally check SG and post more often. i see i've lost out on the PSW group, need to see where else i should reapply.
On the plus side, I've been making my own food!!! Ive missed having an oven!!! I've made my own bread and this week will try to make a...
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On the plus side, I've been making my own food!!! Ive missed having an oven!!! I've made my own bread and this week will try to make a...
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Saw your comment on Shyla's video. The song is "Dear God" by Monsters of Folk. There is also a really good remix of this song on The Roots new album. Thanks for the killer comment.
sorry if it appears that i haven't been active on here. i dont really have a place to stay right now and have been jumping from couch to couch and computer to computer. will try to update and catch up tonight
Sorry to hear that.I hope you get a permanent place
In honor of Zombie Jesus Day, we posted a new episode of my podcast (The Top 5 Podcast Spectacular) Episode 019 -- Top 5 Places Where We'd Like To Have Sex. Each episode, in smart yet tasteless humor, we discuss the Top 5 stories in Tech and Tunes, we play a Top 5 Quiz against each other, and then share our lists for the Top5...
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Thanks sweetie. I am going shopping tomorrow and buying a new dress. It always helps.
ive never been so excited to be sleepy at 2am. i havent been able to sleep earlier than 6am most nights (mornings, really) even if this stretches out for a cpl hours that will be awesome to hopefully wake up before noon
thanks for your love and support hun... i never let haters get me down... i love being me
felt bad that people were feeling sorry for my cold, well the cold is gone. some minor congestion but that is likely allergies. hurrah!
got my first paid podcasting gig. i will be editing down episodes of the Free Beer Podcast (www.vivalaballcam.com) weekly for cash. I usually appear as a guest on their show Friday nights for fun drinking games. i will also be making...
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got my first paid podcasting gig. i will be editing down episodes of the Free Beer Podcast (www.vivalaballcam.com) weekly for cash. I usually appear as a guest on their show Friday nights for fun drinking games. i will also be making...
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I was soprano, but I don't really sing anymore. Its more like yelling. Haha. Lol I was in choir in high school, but it made me so sick of singing that I just stopped doing it. Well I sing noe, but not good
i'm dying the pink parts dark red tomorrow... i can't have normal hair. lol. I'm a natural blonde... so i'm glad it doesn't look too wonkey
I'm still not sure if i like it at all....

i'm back online! ok my internet was down for quite sometime but im back. message me if you missed me...or even if you didn't; i'll still read it. now to go collapse and nap because i have a cold

Aw I hope you're feeling better. Have you managed to get rid of your cold?
Hahaha thanks for the blog comment =)
Awww yooure sick too? I hope you get better soon!
Awww yooure sick too? I hope you get better soon!
My anxiety sure is kicking up a lot. Last week when i was on the other side of the block on my walk, i almost had a meltdown. i got light headed and my heart skipped a beat because i suddenly felt sooo far from my house. today i felt that i was trapped in my house because of this stupid storm. more because i...
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annalee stole my heart with that set.
oh no, we could work on it out of class. what i meant was that i feel little motivation outside of class, when i'm not being "forced" into making something. It's a slump i want to get out of pretty badly. i love ceramics too !! I have a wheel but no kiln, and have surely fallen out of practice, although i used to be pretty ok.
catch a buzz ? hahahaha
oh no, we could work on it out of class. what i meant was that i feel little motivation outside of class, when i'm not being "forced" into making something. It's a slump i want to get out of pretty badly. i love ceramics too !! I have a wheel but no kiln, and have surely fallen out of practice, although i used to be pretty ok.
catch a buzz ? hahahaha

i got HAMMERED last night. shared 4 bottles of wine and a 24-pack of Newcastle. must ask Bryce or Brian what happened because I ended up passing out somewhat early.
So I got the roommates to pay for a batch of strong, fizzy, yellow, bland homebrew. problem is i'm out of propane so i dont know if i can boil it. our stove is frikken...
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So I got the roommates to pay for a batch of strong, fizzy, yellow, bland homebrew. problem is i'm out of propane so i dont know if i can boil it. our stove is frikken...
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making art in an "alright here's an assignment, it's due a few weeks from now, you have all these classes to work on it, GO!" sort of way.
if i really want to do it, why shouldn't i be able to do it on my own time rather than having class devoted to it ?
if i really want to do it, why shouldn't i be able to do it on my own time rather than having class devoted to it ?
so today we started kegging beer for the first time. it is unbelievable how much easier it is to keg beer than it is to bottle it. no stress, no doing so much sanitizing and washing ahead of time. just dump beer and go. I put the Chocolate Stout in the keg today and off to the fridge. some time in the next couple of...
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and i even have that white tight shirt you were speaking off
maybe i can come over and you can test out your shots of side boob, etc ....

thats totally what i was checking out in the bottom picture! lets photograph those dazzling beauties from all angles!