I would say I have pretty good control of my nerves anymore as long as I stay away from certain things. One of those things is sports. Every team I like is the most GAD DAMN NERVE RACKING FUCKS!! flyers/eagles/phillies/PSU. I thought I will take a peak at the PSU & Irish game knowing I will probably get pissed. Oh not long into the second half I had to start watching the cartoon network before I placed a .357 round into the tv. When someone from Philly or PSU actually wins a championship it will be a sign for the commming of the age of chaos and the world will end.
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I had high hopes for Penn State this year , emphasis on the word had . I really thought they had a chance last week . Oh well . I was a Eagles fan for years , but after years of Rich Kotite , then Ray Rhodes , the drafting McNabb & starting freaking Doug Pederson I gave up . I'm a Panthers fan now , & let me just say that last weekend was painful for me too . I would love to be a Phillies fan , but as long as the current asshats continue to own the team , I have no hope of them doing anything except maybe winning a wild card .