I have been waiting for today for so long! I am so proud and happy to be able to finally share River Bed with you all! A HUGE thank you and LOVE YOU to it's photographer (and my favorite person ever) @sunshine.
It memorializes a beautiful day in the brilliant Pacific Northwest with genuine, loving friends. And that's what really what Suicide Girls has been about for me since starting 10 years ago.

Here is how the day went:
@sunshine and I, along with our ThomasAdam tech support team, left the house before the sun rose to head out to our magical spot. Packed up everything we needed and MIGHT need (that lesson has been learned over the course of the 10 years...) in the car, made some snacks, rolled some joints and before we knew it we were on the road.
During the drive we laughed, sung, smoked. We got to the river the same time as the sun and we knew immediately that we were going to love what we made that day...

After we were happy with what we would soon share with all of you, we let our hair down and turned my river bed into an actual river bed...
Here's to what will always be one of my all time favorite days; a day dedicated to art, love, friendship and fun. I am forever grateful for every year spent with you guys on SG. It has freed me in ways I don't think anything else could have.
Happy ten years!