due to the fact that i will have unintentionally taken up 6 minutes of your time with this video blog, i won't waste any more of it by posting my convoluted ramblings.
you're welcome.
but real quick!
west coast love next week
and cross country move in a few weeks
ooooooo i was born a travelin mannnnn
follow my travels on my instagram if you so desire! @pupperazzi
(this is actually from a month or longer ago, i just got around to editing it, my apologies
since this video, galaxy has been adopted by the best family! they love her to pieces. makes my heart feel full.
copious amounts of love to you all,

you're welcome.
but real quick!
west coast love next week
and cross country move in a few weeks
ooooooo i was born a travelin mannnnn
follow my travels on my instagram if you so desire! @pupperazzi
(this is actually from a month or longer ago, i just got around to editing it, my apologies

since this video, galaxy has been adopted by the best family! they love her to pieces. makes my heart feel full.
copious amounts of love to you all,

cant wait for your upcoming set *O*
i love your new set babe