herro everybody!
i suck at being not busy as a bumble.
well let's see what is new...
i live in washington nowadays.
it's been like 5030 degrees here lately.
not for me.
and NOT for mr. monroe.
thank you to zoe who is not only ridiculously talented, but always ridiculously cute :]
i can't wait to come back out, which will be vewy soon.

for those of you who have already given me incredible lovins i thank you soo much! and for those of you who are saying "what is tumbleweed, what is she talking about?" go check it out man!
so. i work in a 24 hour emergency animal hospital. and i love it.
puppies, bunnies and possums oh my!
i decided to share some of my favorites from the clinic with you.

this is moe. surgery baby beagle. sooo cute.

this is bonnie. she came in for rodenticide toxicity (rat poison). she had all her babies with us in the clinic, but because her owners were not looking after her properly, the rat poison killed all her babies. she was definitely one of my FAVORITE patients, and she's doing excellent now.

this is poppy! she's a german shepherd pup who came in cause her momma attacked her. she had a couple bite wounds in her neck, but is a happy healthy pup now who got adopted by one of the techs.
what more can a girl ask for? i have all you wonderful people of sg in my life, as well as the babies i work with everyday!
lucky. this girl.
i'm adopting a babe this weekend.
i won't know for sure, for sure till saturday so keep all your toes and fingers crossed for me.
i'll post pics as soon as i get the word.
AND i may inlist the help of you guys and gals to help me come up with a super name for the little one.
no? :[
please say yes?
speaking of furry babies.
my monroe man is very pleased to finally have his own man pad.

yes, he has his own fan and yes, he has pictures of naked girl pups on his walls.
oh and robots. he likes robots.
now back to the job thing.
i work 9pm to 9am which = bully forgot how to sleep at night time.
it's 5:22 am here and i have yet to go to bed.
i never know what day it is anymore and i get confused when there is no one outside when i take my boy out to potty.
ohhhh that's right, normal people are sleeping right now!
but no no, i'm up drinking coffee, listening to records and playing mario kart wii.
sooo strange.

this is a picture of me not sleeping.
um about 3 weeks ago, i ventured into the world of harry potter.
i had never read any of the books before and so i've been trucking along since then and i'm FINALLY at year 6. i need to finish it asap so i can go see the moobie.
i've decided to start making my own little native american inspired art pieces. i'm sure there going to be mediocre, but i'm still quite excited about it.
if any of you feel like humoring me, i'll post some pics when i get them finished.
be nice though!
i have about 31230 pictures to post from the tremendous journey from ohio to here, but i need to muster up the energy to sit and upload all 31230 of them.
i will do it though. hakuna matata.
is this blog even coherent?
i like this song.
and this video makes me cry.
and deees one makes me laugh.
ok this was probably a terrible update.
but, the next one will be better hopefully.

i really, sincerely love you guys.
EDITED! to add that i adopted the baby today!!!!!!
here are her shelter pics. i'll take some better ones soon, i'm just too gosh darn busy playing with her and loving on her!!!
she's a brittany/pit/bulldog? mix. whatever she is, she's freakin adorable.
she's just an iddy bitty thing too! maybe like 25 pounds.

we're thinking something along the lines of falcor (maybe cora for short?), cause they have matching faces and smiles :]
what do you think?!

gahhhh i'm so happy you guys! mostly happy that this little one is gonna have the best home and family everrrrrr.
puppy love for the win!
herro everybody!
i suck at being not busy as a bumble.
well let's see what is new...
i live in washington nowadays.
it's been like 5030 degrees here lately.
not for me.
and NOT for mr. monroe.
thank you to zoe who is not only ridiculously talented, but always ridiculously cute :]
i can't wait to come back out, which will be vewy soon.

for those of you who have already given me incredible lovins i thank you soo much! and for those of you who are saying "what is tumbleweed, what is she talking about?" go check it out man!
so. i work in a 24 hour emergency animal hospital. and i love it.
puppies, bunnies and possums oh my!
i decided to share some of my favorites from the clinic with you.

this is moe. surgery baby beagle. sooo cute.

this is bonnie. she came in for rodenticide toxicity (rat poison). she had all her babies with us in the clinic, but because her owners were not looking after her properly, the rat poison killed all her babies. she was definitely one of my FAVORITE patients, and she's doing excellent now.

this is poppy! she's a german shepherd pup who came in cause her momma attacked her. she had a couple bite wounds in her neck, but is a happy healthy pup now who got adopted by one of the techs.
what more can a girl ask for? i have all you wonderful people of sg in my life, as well as the babies i work with everyday!
lucky. this girl.
i'm adopting a babe this weekend.
i won't know for sure, for sure till saturday so keep all your toes and fingers crossed for me.
i'll post pics as soon as i get the word.
AND i may inlist the help of you guys and gals to help me come up with a super name for the little one.
no? :[
please say yes?
speaking of furry babies.
my monroe man is very pleased to finally have his own man pad.

yes, he has his own fan and yes, he has pictures of naked girl pups on his walls.
oh and robots. he likes robots.
now back to the job thing.
i work 9pm to 9am which = bully forgot how to sleep at night time.
it's 5:22 am here and i have yet to go to bed.
i never know what day it is anymore and i get confused when there is no one outside when i take my boy out to potty.
ohhhh that's right, normal people are sleeping right now!
but no no, i'm up drinking coffee, listening to records and playing mario kart wii.
sooo strange.

this is a picture of me not sleeping.
um about 3 weeks ago, i ventured into the world of harry potter.
i had never read any of the books before and so i've been trucking along since then and i'm FINALLY at year 6. i need to finish it asap so i can go see the moobie.
i've decided to start making my own little native american inspired art pieces. i'm sure there going to be mediocre, but i'm still quite excited about it.
if any of you feel like humoring me, i'll post some pics when i get them finished.
be nice though!
i have about 31230 pictures to post from the tremendous journey from ohio to here, but i need to muster up the energy to sit and upload all 31230 of them.
i will do it though. hakuna matata.
is this blog even coherent?
i like this song.
and this video makes me cry.
and deees one makes me laugh.
ok this was probably a terrible update.
but, the next one will be better hopefully.

i really, sincerely love you guys.
EDITED! to add that i adopted the baby today!!!!!!
here are her shelter pics. i'll take some better ones soon, i'm just too gosh darn busy playing with her and loving on her!!!
she's a brittany/pit/bulldog? mix. whatever she is, she's freakin adorable.
she's just an iddy bitty thing too! maybe like 25 pounds.

we're thinking something along the lines of falcor (maybe cora for short?), cause they have matching faces and smiles :]
what do you think?!

gahhhh i'm so happy you guys! mostly happy that this little one is gonna have the best home and family everrrrrr.
puppy love for the win!
You already have so many comments on this blog, but I hope you read this one. I just saw your set about being bullied, it was very sexy, but the concept was really powerful and made me sad you used to get bullied. I can relate to that in a big way. Anyway, thank you for that set you sexy minx! X
wow lykke li doing K.O.L. soooo good!!!! <3