it's only after i've spent time with my momma and my poppa that i reexamine my life and it's constituents. and usually that leads to the reevaluation of their existence IN my life.
and then i do this:

this place is toxic.
and sometimes it's hard to breathe.
there are 2039490245 katrillion [not a real number] reasons why i prefer the animal kingdom over that of which i actually belong to.
and it's hard to actually go into detail here.
and so i'd rather just stuff it all inside and hug it out with my puppy.
they're good for that.

in other news, school is going SOOOOO super awesomely well.
like i said in the previous blog, i could not be happier.
and i'm really really looking forward to being done and moving onnnn with my little bully life.
both metaphorically and literally speaking.
oh and things i'm currently working on:
1. i'm still trying to locatethe perfect tickets back to the l.a.
2. i'm still trying to find the absolute best joke to present to all you guys. it's harder than you think to find good quality 3rd grade jokes ya know...
3. growing out my hairs. i do not like them so short
4. finishing up the coloring book pages i set out for the rigel and the quinne.
5. er...there is no
anyways spanks for listening, i can always always count on you kids.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to reminiscing about awesome old morning cartoons like PEPPER ANN ! heheheh
here's another for you, i watched it every morning before preschool.
does anyone else remember deeees one?!
gnight gnight
i appreciate all of you
[and some people should take lessons in appreciation, just sayin']
puppy kisses,

pictured above: how i prefer to live my life: sleeping with puppies.

and then i do this:

this place is toxic.
and sometimes it's hard to breathe.
there are 2039490245 katrillion [not a real number] reasons why i prefer the animal kingdom over that of which i actually belong to.
and it's hard to actually go into detail here.
and so i'd rather just stuff it all inside and hug it out with my puppy.
they're good for that.

in other news, school is going SOOOOO super awesomely well.
like i said in the previous blog, i could not be happier.
and i'm really really looking forward to being done and moving onnnn with my little bully life.
both metaphorically and literally speaking.
oh and things i'm currently working on:
1. i'm still trying to locatethe perfect tickets back to the l.a.
2. i'm still trying to find the absolute best joke to present to all you guys. it's harder than you think to find good quality 3rd grade jokes ya know...
3. growing out my hairs. i do not like them so short

4. finishing up the coloring book pages i set out for the rigel and the quinne.
5. er...there is no
anyways spanks for listening, i can always always count on you kids.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to reminiscing about awesome old morning cartoons like PEPPER ANN ! heheheh
here's another for you, i watched it every morning before preschool.
does anyone else remember deeees one?!
gnight gnight
i appreciate all of you
[and some people should take lessons in appreciation, just sayin']
puppy kisses,

pictured above: how i prefer to live my life: sleeping with puppies.

now i'm gonna have to go find whole episodes somewhere...