guess what kids! it's Bully Harmonica Joke and Picture time again!
weeeeeeeeeee !
well. as most of you know. i've been trying to learn the harmonica. and as most of you don't know, it's not working out as well i thought it would.

haha. no but really. it's been fun. and here's the fruits of my latest labors.
and THEN i decided to FURTHER treat you, for halloweenie, by giving you another jokey.
and then, as if i already didn't love you guys disgustingly enough, i give you a boatload of pictures from my road trip to Nolans with AlissaBrunelli, DURB, stacie and Tony for the Tattoo VooDoo convention.
it was a blasssst.
and p.s. i drove there. all by myself.
15 hours.
i am rockin.
and so is no-doz.
then on some lonely day a couple weeks ago, i also took these peekchurz for all you lovely cupcakes.

i hope you all had superfun Halloweens.
I, for one, did not go trick or treating, but i figure i make for it, daily, by consuming large amounts of candy.
who needs holidays man?
not me !
i am way sorry for not updating for like EVERRRR.
i've been a busy bee though, somewhat.
i better cut this baby short cause i need to get raddy for the Tattoo Wars party at AlissaBrunellis and DURBs tonight!
and it's tonight! watch it!
it's gonna be pretty awesome.
that's all my little velociraptors.
someBully loves you.
p.s. Havana night next week! The 8th! It's gonna sosososo fun. Come see for yourself.
p.p.s. Across the Universe. Finally saw it. And it was magical. Go see it already ! geez !
p.p.p.s. come to Hell City in May. i'm telling you now so you can plan ahead.
come play with us !
there's new merch in the store too.
go buy some cause it's sweet.

oh and last but not least.
this is the boy my song was about.

what a stud muffin.

weeeeeeeeeee !
well. as most of you know. i've been trying to learn the harmonica. and as most of you don't know, it's not working out as well i thought it would.

haha. no but really. it's been fun. and here's the fruits of my latest labors.
and THEN i decided to FURTHER treat you, for halloweenie, by giving you another jokey.
and then, as if i already didn't love you guys disgustingly enough, i give you a boatload of pictures from my road trip to Nolans with AlissaBrunelli, DURB, stacie and Tony for the Tattoo VooDoo convention.
it was a blasssst.
and p.s. i drove there. all by myself.
15 hours.
i am rockin.
and so is no-doz.

then on some lonely day a couple weeks ago, i also took these peekchurz for all you lovely cupcakes.

i hope you all had superfun Halloweens.
I, for one, did not go trick or treating, but i figure i make for it, daily, by consuming large amounts of candy.
who needs holidays man?
not me !
i am way sorry for not updating for like EVERRRR.
i've been a busy bee though, somewhat.
i better cut this baby short cause i need to get raddy for the Tattoo Wars party at AlissaBrunellis and DURBs tonight!
and it's tonight! watch it!
it's gonna be pretty awesome.
that's all my little velociraptors.
someBully loves you.
p.s. Havana night next week! The 8th! It's gonna sosososo fun. Come see for yourself.
p.p.s. Across the Universe. Finally saw it. And it was magical. Go see it already ! geez !
p.p.p.s. come to Hell City in May. i'm telling you now so you can plan ahead.
come play with us !
there's new merch in the store too.
go buy some cause it's sweet.

oh and last but not least.
this is the boy my song was about.

what a stud muffin.

LOve the new set. You are Amazing
I love your new set, as always!!!