hooray anthropology!!!

ask me how excited i am about the new set.
now ask me how excited i am that you guys all seem to really like it.
thank you guys and dolls so much for the love youve been dishing out.
sean is AMAZING. so go thank him too.
a lot.
that whole set was like a conversation in pictures.
there were probably a bagillion pics that were so unflattering of me because i couldn't stop talking.

my first grade teacher called me chatty cathy...and it still rings true today..clearly..
that set was the one of the best experiences everrrrr.
and i'm so thankful to have been able to work with sean.
and quinne!
who happens to be in the background of picture # 20.
anyhooters thanks again you guys.
if you haven't seen it yet go check it out!
oh. so i started making this movie about a month ago. it's really nothing spectacular. i just got bored one night.
i like alexisonfire.
i like driving around in the rain.
i like showering.
i dislike boredom.
and this is what you get when you mix aforementioned 4 things.
also look at this!
i need to get these.

5 of diamonds is where it's at.
this is getting looong..so i'll cut it short.
i'll leave you with some pics of mah face and some pics i took.
i can't stop taking pictures of trees man.
it's like an itch that i always have to fuggin scratch..

i mostly wanted that bird in it.

that one reminds me of where the wild things are. from that book. where the wild things are.

i like myself neon.
and more hell city gear !

love you kids sosososo much for loving meeeee.
what a beautiful thing we have here.
my little velociraptors, be good.
neon bully

p.s. i'll be getting back to all the sweet messages and comments within the next few days. pinky swear.
EDITED to add this sweet little diddy that dino whipped up.
how unbelievably awesome is this!

i love you dino

ask me how excited i am about the new set.
now ask me how excited i am that you guys all seem to really like it.
thank you guys and dolls so much for the love youve been dishing out.
sean is AMAZING. so go thank him too.
a lot.
that whole set was like a conversation in pictures.
there were probably a bagillion pics that were so unflattering of me because i couldn't stop talking.

my first grade teacher called me chatty cathy...and it still rings true today..clearly..

that set was the one of the best experiences everrrrr.
and i'm so thankful to have been able to work with sean.
and quinne!
who happens to be in the background of picture # 20.
anyhooters thanks again you guys.
if you haven't seen it yet go check it out!
oh. so i started making this movie about a month ago. it's really nothing spectacular. i just got bored one night.
i like alexisonfire.
i like driving around in the rain.
i like showering.
i dislike boredom.
and this is what you get when you mix aforementioned 4 things.
also look at this!
i need to get these.

5 of diamonds is where it's at.
this is getting looong..so i'll cut it short.
i'll leave you with some pics of mah face and some pics i took.
i can't stop taking pictures of trees man.
it's like an itch that i always have to fuggin scratch..

i mostly wanted that bird in it.

that one reminds me of where the wild things are. from that book. where the wild things are.

i like myself neon.
and more hell city gear !

love you kids sosososo much for loving meeeee.
what a beautiful thing we have here.
my little velociraptors, be good.
neon bully

p.s. i'll be getting back to all the sweet messages and comments within the next few days. pinky swear.
EDITED to add this sweet little diddy that dino whipped up.
how unbelievably awesome is this!

i love you dino

really liked video had a calming effect thank you
luv your eyes