[[image speaks for itself]]
hihihihi !!!
so i love you guys.
you have all been wonderful to me in the advice giving area.
i'm a VERY happy bully right meow.
and i have a couple things to share with jooo.
ONE : i got my new Black macbook and i'm obsessed with it.
TWO : i'm so pumped about the love i'm getting my Meets the Conners set [[more love would probably make me happier though..so MORE LOVE! i love love.]] i hope all of you think of me from now on when you watch it. hehe.
THREE : i'm teaching myself how to play the harmonica. i feel that it will be useful later in life. maybe. maybe not. probably the latter. and here are the results. i'm not that good yet so please don't judge me

oh and ps. shot a new set monday and it's friggen awesome.
you all are going to lovelovelove it. especially if you know me. which i like to think that you do considering that you read my thoughts and look at me nekkid.
weeee !
i love you guys.
i love alissabrunelli and miss sunshine more than i love ben and jerry's mint chocolate cookie ice cream.
i trust that you can all make your own assumptions.
oh and i'll be at comfest next month for sure
as well as the next havana night FOR SURE
and if anybody wants to come out with me to the Karate High School show at the HIgh five in Cbus June 3rd i'll be there with my date miss pretty adalae [if she can]. yay !
if you haven't checked them out go do so cause they're sweet.
i may or may not have a crush on the drummer aaron. feel free to let them know that. for me. so that maybe he'll come hug me. at the show.

edited to tell you to go give a warm welcome to havana !!!
i neeed me my bully fix.
and you're not bad!
I've been teaching myself to play the banjo. I can play when the saints go marching in...
here's a video I took over a year ago...