sgerz rule the world.
seeeeriously you guys were soosososo good to my Schooled set.
it was crazy fun. and sometimes crazy. [[old men with obviously upset wives, little children, old ladies with dogs that dookied multiple times.]]
in one word, this shoot was amazingggg.
i can't thank you enough everyone that left me love and i DEFINITELY cannot thank AlissaBrunelli, Mindy, Sunshine, Meow, and their super manly men.
in honor of this settt i decided to bite the bullet and get my own myspace...[[this is scarrry for me..eeps!]]
so here it is.
we can be friends all over the place! weeeeeeee!
go ahead and add me piratessss!!!
i perrrrrrromise to add you all.
cause i friggen love you all.
ok. when i finish my homeworky. i will get to work on replying to all of you pretty people.
until then babies have a good day and go tell AlissaBrunelli that she's supercute.
outtakes i stole from alissa. hehe.

seeeeriously you guys were soosososo good to my Schooled set.
it was crazy fun. and sometimes crazy. [[old men with obviously upset wives, little children, old ladies with dogs that dookied multiple times.]]
in one word, this shoot was amazingggg.
i can't thank you enough everyone that left me love and i DEFINITELY cannot thank AlissaBrunelli, Mindy, Sunshine, Meow, and their super manly men.
in honor of this settt i decided to bite the bullet and get my own myspace...[[this is scarrry for me..eeps!]]
so here it is.
we can be friends all over the place! weeeeeeee!
go ahead and add me piratessss!!!
i perrrrrrromise to add you all.
cause i friggen love you all.
ok. when i finish my homeworky. i will get to work on replying to all of you pretty people.
until then babies have a good day and go tell AlissaBrunelli that she's supercute.

outtakes i stole from alissa. hehe.

i'm glad everyone loved your set so much <3