goddamn you yawfren.
get your damn computer fixed.
it's time to vent out some frostrations here(the folllowing contains excessive amounts of bithching and moaning)
ok 1st off i sunk my lowest and took to internet route to dating for THE FIRST AND LAST TIME. and i also think that certain people should put on ACURATE PICTURES so i don't drive in the rain to some stupid bar to meet someone i'm COMPLETELY UNATTRACTED TO. bored, lonely, with a computer is just a bad combo.
i think i have an ulcer. i throw up way to much.
gwenyth paltrow is set to play Sylvia Plath, i guess i can deal with that. i would have picked Scarlet JoHanson.
i can't fucking sleep right now.
i just need to figure out what i need, i just want to be happy.
i just want to feel usefull.
why can't i sleep?
i never see my best friend anymore. she's a lazy lesbian, who doesn't come out anymore.
i need to get some more pot tommorow, or today.
i need to put up a more flattering picture.
o yea, WORK SUCKS.
it's good to blow off steam.
get your damn computer fixed.
it's time to vent out some frostrations here(the folllowing contains excessive amounts of bithching and moaning)
ok 1st off i sunk my lowest and took to internet route to dating for THE FIRST AND LAST TIME. and i also think that certain people should put on ACURATE PICTURES so i don't drive in the rain to some stupid bar to meet someone i'm COMPLETELY UNATTRACTED TO. bored, lonely, with a computer is just a bad combo.
i think i have an ulcer. i throw up way to much.
gwenyth paltrow is set to play Sylvia Plath, i guess i can deal with that. i would have picked Scarlet JoHanson.
i can't fucking sleep right now.
i just need to figure out what i need, i just want to be happy.
i just want to feel usefull.
why can't i sleep?
i never see my best friend anymore. she's a lazy lesbian, who doesn't come out anymore.
i need to get some more pot tommorow, or today.
i need to put up a more flattering picture.
o yea, WORK SUCKS.
it's good to blow off steam.

YES! Goddamn Yawfren all to hell...make her come back now!