it's nice to come home and see the computer's been left on. i would probably update more if that were the case.
i watched the insomniac in amsterdam the other night, and it made me realize what a huge world is out there. everyone there seemed so damn content, and not competative like americans. it just got me thinking that just because you're born american you don't have to stay here. don't get me wrong i do love this country, but i have no interest in the american dream($$$). europe seems so more laid back, and grateful for life, not money.
but i could be wrong, i've never been there.
tonite me and 3 of my friends decided to play documentary fimmakers. they had real cameras and equipment and everything. we were going to interview homeless people.we wern't going to fuck with them or do anything mean. we just brought some beer to offer them an exchange for a little bit about themselves. tell the world how the other half lives.
and god almighty there were cops EVERYWHERE and we couldn't find a single homeless person/squater/teenage male prostitue all night. eneded up the only thing we accomplished was going to taco bell.
ahhhhhhhhh, it's so nice to empty out my brain.
believe it or not the police are following up on are stolen shit. i grew out of the punk rock hate all cops thing a long time ago, but i know from previous experience 98% don't give a fuck to what happens to weird looking people with no moeny.
i should win an award for most run on sentences in one sitting.
and the most rambling.
i probably should of said it earlier, but if you have read this far don't feel like you have to read this whole entry. i'm writing this long for my own theraputic reasons.
i watched this movie tonite, and this girl in it looked just like my high school girlfriend.
man i loved that girl. i've been over her for years, but this just made me all reminiscent. but we keep in touch a little bit, and are supposed to hang out sometime soon. oh god, i hope i'm not trying to rehash old girlfriends because it's been so long since i've met someone. no, i will not let myself get to that point. it would be nice to see how she's turned out so far.
damn, i think that it.
i watched the insomniac in amsterdam the other night, and it made me realize what a huge world is out there. everyone there seemed so damn content, and not competative like americans. it just got me thinking that just because you're born american you don't have to stay here. don't get me wrong i do love this country, but i have no interest in the american dream($$$). europe seems so more laid back, and grateful for life, not money.
but i could be wrong, i've never been there.
tonite me and 3 of my friends decided to play documentary fimmakers. they had real cameras and equipment and everything. we were going to interview homeless people.we wern't going to fuck with them or do anything mean. we just brought some beer to offer them an exchange for a little bit about themselves. tell the world how the other half lives.

and god almighty there were cops EVERYWHERE and we couldn't find a single homeless person/squater/teenage male prostitue all night. eneded up the only thing we accomplished was going to taco bell.
ahhhhhhhhh, it's so nice to empty out my brain.
believe it or not the police are following up on are stolen shit. i grew out of the punk rock hate all cops thing a long time ago, but i know from previous experience 98% don't give a fuck to what happens to weird looking people with no moeny.

i should win an award for most run on sentences in one sitting.
and the most rambling.
i probably should of said it earlier, but if you have read this far don't feel like you have to read this whole entry. i'm writing this long for my own theraputic reasons.
i watched this movie tonite, and this girl in it looked just like my high school girlfriend.

damn, i think that it.

that's funny, i'm in the travel lodge area almost everyday. i wanted to look harder but everyone else got lazy(aka stoned).

wandering around by the river seems to be a good place. miatroo had some extra pancakes one night and we went on a search. under the highway by the mainstraus clock we found a sleeping man and she woke the poor guy up to give him her pancakes. poor guy haha! what a drunken night that was!