I got tagged by the wonderful @bluenicorn so here are my answers to the questions.
Jogging or Hiking?
- Defo hiking, long walks are better for me then to do runs.
Sneakers or Sandals?
- Sneakers, not a huge fan of open shoes, so closed it is for me.
Hamburger or Taco?
- Never had Taco so I would love to try them one day but that means at this time I can't really answer it.
Receive: E-mail or letter?
- Both, but best would be to talk as it's the only way to really express your feelings.
Passenger or Driver?
- Driver, I hate being passenger.
Meat or Vegetables?
- Both equally, I'm not a veggie so I do love meat but there always have to be vegetables with the food.
TV or Book?
- Hard choice, it used to be books but now it's more TV as I can't keep myself calm/entertained when I read a book.
Movie night at home or Theater?
- Movie night at home, way more cheaper, cosier and easier. Going to a Theater for a change can be good but only if it's a movie that I really want to see from the beginning, otherwise I just wait for the release on DVD/Blu-ray/netflix.
Horror or Comedy?
- Comedy, unfortunatly I have a very imaginative mind which means while walking/cycling home I can hear/see things that aren't really happening and I have nightmares for 2 weeks last time I saw a horror movie.
Cheap or Branded?
- Don't care as long as it looks good, sometimes branded is also cheap but yeah, if it looks good and it fits ... I buy :D
Rich or Successful?
- Successful, I need the feeling to have accomplished something in life.
Rap or Rock?
- Both but not from this age, old age rap and rock were the best.
Flying or Driving ?
- Driving if I can get there by car, flying if I can't get there by car and sometimes gliding in my spare time just as a hobby.
Dancing or Singing?
- Dancing, I can't sing 1 correct note but I do love to dance, specially salsa.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and if you want to copy/answer yourself feel free to tag me in it so I can learn things about you too.
Have an amazing week.