welp im at work. i have access to the net here, but i had to install firefox on the bosses computer. and then every morning, uninstall it. and then redo that every day just to get away with it. so its not that bad, only takes like 3 mins anyways so its worth it.
seems i cant even cancel my account cuz WuvMonki had gotten me that gift membership a few months back, so when i access the payment info section, it just says i cant do anything and directs me back. oh well. guess ill just have to brave it and access SG from work like im doing.
so yeah. heres my story on the move.
we are renting the downstairs apartment from the people who bought the house untill our house is built. which so far looks like it wont be untill febuary. suckage. but atleast im still technically at home. i get to live in the haunted room downstairs. joygasm. i think i may have exercised the demons tho, from blasting really loud metal music. so far the ghost hasnt bothered me. he freaks the dog out on occasion but thats to be expected.
i dont know if we will get internet downstairs or not. were gona call verizon to see if they can switch the dsl service to the downstairs phone line. if they do, thats cool. but more then likely i still wont have access.
other then that, its just the regular routine of sleep, work, eat, jerk, and be bored and lonely. im used to it. exciting, huh?
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seems i cant even cancel my account cuz WuvMonki had gotten me that gift membership a few months back, so when i access the payment info section, it just says i cant do anything and directs me back. oh well. guess ill just have to brave it and access SG from work like im doing.
so yeah. heres my story on the move.
we are renting the downstairs apartment from the people who bought the house untill our house is built. which so far looks like it wont be untill febuary. suckage. but atleast im still technically at home. i get to live in the haunted room downstairs. joygasm. i think i may have exercised the demons tho, from blasting really loud metal music. so far the ghost hasnt bothered me. he freaks the dog out on occasion but thats to be expected.
i dont know if we will get internet downstairs or not. were gona call verizon to see if they can switch the dsl service to the downstairs phone line. if they do, thats cool. but more then likely i still wont have access.
other then that, its just the regular routine of sleep, work, eat, jerk, and be bored and lonely. im used to it. exciting, huh?
leave some thoughts.
hahaha mr funny pants!
You forgot about playing videos games. How the hell could you forget that? Well looks like I will have to tear down the Internet connectivity booth I was building for you on my front lawn.