Dear Land of the SG's,
The moving company will be here on thursday. i have been packing the house for the past 4 days at a fervorish pace. the only thing remaining in my room is just two empty night stands, my desk, computer, tv, bed, empty dresser, and my bed. i am almost fully packed but yet i feel that i may not have gotten everything. As of the 20th, i will no longer live in this house that i have lived in since 1991. I dont know where i will be living for the next 5 months. maybe next door at my dad's aunts house in the downstairs haunted bedroom. Its something i am not particuarlly looking foward to it, but its better then having no where to live. Our house we are having built in PA is going really slow, damn yuppies. It looks like they will start building the frame to the house within the month, and from there its about 3 or 4 months to finish the house.
The reason for this really longer then normal rambeling is for one reason. I will not have internet access for more then 4 or 5 months. we will probably have it disconnected within the next week or so, if not sooner. I will occasionalyl have internet access at work but that is only on AIM from the house between Midnight and 6am.
From work i cannot access SG and i think i will be forced to close my account here soon.
so if anyone needs to ever get intouch with me, you know my AIM SN, its to the left here under contacts. Also i will have acess to email atleast, so some of those would be cool to get just to let me know everyones still alive and kickin in NYC. i dont know about a phone number but more then likely i should have access to a phone too. if not, just go yell at JaiDee and beg her for a number that i can be reached at. but i seriously doubt that anyone would have a need to call me.
Also, SGNY, if you have something in the works as far as parties or whatever or just general kickin's going on down in the city, send me an email as i would still love to come party, work permitting.
I dont know how long it will be before I move to PA and finally get settled in the new house and area, and i dont know how long it will take us to get an ISP back. but atleast i do know that out there, we are going to get Cable. woo. Verizon DSL can kiss my ass finally.
I know this pic is a few weeks old now, but later today, i will be sitting outside like this for the last time more then likely.
i shall be around on here for a few more days still.
The moving company will be here on thursday. i have been packing the house for the past 4 days at a fervorish pace. the only thing remaining in my room is just two empty night stands, my desk, computer, tv, bed, empty dresser, and my bed. i am almost fully packed but yet i feel that i may not have gotten everything. As of the 20th, i will no longer live in this house that i have lived in since 1991. I dont know where i will be living for the next 5 months. maybe next door at my dad's aunts house in the downstairs haunted bedroom. Its something i am not particuarlly looking foward to it, but its better then having no where to live. Our house we are having built in PA is going really slow, damn yuppies. It looks like they will start building the frame to the house within the month, and from there its about 3 or 4 months to finish the house.
The reason for this really longer then normal rambeling is for one reason. I will not have internet access for more then 4 or 5 months. we will probably have it disconnected within the next week or so, if not sooner. I will occasionalyl have internet access at work but that is only on AIM from the house between Midnight and 6am.
From work i cannot access SG and i think i will be forced to close my account here soon.

Also, SGNY, if you have something in the works as far as parties or whatever or just general kickin's going on down in the city, send me an email as i would still love to come party, work permitting.
I dont know how long it will be before I move to PA and finally get settled in the new house and area, and i dont know how long it will take us to get an ISP back. but atleast i do know that out there, we are going to get Cable. woo. Verizon DSL can kiss my ass finally.
I know this pic is a few weeks old now, but later today, i will be sitting outside like this for the last time more then likely.

i shall be around on here for a few more days still.
that website is pretty funny. but it needs to replace more "R's" with "ahs" and stuff.
Seems like everyone is moving lately. That's cool though. Take care sweetie!