hi my name is BukkakeGod, and i am a pervert. now show me some titties.....
so yeah yesterday i decided to go out and wash my truck, get all the past 3 weeks of dirt and waterspots off of it. so i did that. then i saw a really cool accident. two thumbs up for that. then i went to jersey for a lil bit, ate some food, put gas in the truck. then i came back and seemed to hit every fucking possible inch of construction traffic in the county. then i noticed after driving around for an hour and 45 mins or so, i had gotten a FUCKING SUNBURN on my left arm and the back of my neck from having my arm out the window. GRRR
i mean i know i get burnt and stuff in the summer time and all, but holy fuck, its may, i shouldnt be getting that already. i think its cuz i work nights, dont see the sun much, and cuz im super pale. my left arm is as red as this
then at like 3pm i go to finally goto sleep. i lay down in bed, and BOOM... fucking thunderstorm. grrr. keeping me awake. i eventually passed out, but dont remember what time it was. the a/c felt nice on the sunburn tho.
went to work, it was a slow night. did my thing in the ER till 5:30am, and then off to the upper west side i went to pick up those two fine ass looking peds residents. picked em up, got back to nyack, turned in the van keys, and came home.
i got money in my pocket, two days off, and a party in sight for friday night. i finally get to leave the house on my days off and go do something. yay. its about 10am, so im gona go lay down and take me a nap for a lil while.
so yeah yesterday i decided to go out and wash my truck, get all the past 3 weeks of dirt and waterspots off of it. so i did that. then i saw a really cool accident. two thumbs up for that. then i went to jersey for a lil bit, ate some food, put gas in the truck. then i came back and seemed to hit every fucking possible inch of construction traffic in the county. then i noticed after driving around for an hour and 45 mins or so, i had gotten a FUCKING SUNBURN on my left arm and the back of my neck from having my arm out the window. GRRR
then at like 3pm i go to finally goto sleep. i lay down in bed, and BOOM... fucking thunderstorm. grrr. keeping me awake. i eventually passed out, but dont remember what time it was. the a/c felt nice on the sunburn tho.
went to work, it was a slow night. did my thing in the ER till 5:30am, and then off to the upper west side i went to pick up those two fine ass looking peds residents. picked em up, got back to nyack, turned in the van keys, and came home.
i got money in my pocket, two days off, and a party in sight for friday night. i finally get to leave the house on my days off and go do something. yay. its about 10am, so im gona go lay down and take me a nap for a lil while.