So last Friday I finally got me a deer. Filled my buck tag for the year. I'm stoked about it and my parents love that they now have at least 60 lbs of meat in the freezerthat they didn't have to buy and isnt full of injected chemicals. But my vegan sister is freaking the fuck out that I am a hunter and that I kill and eat furry critters. It's not that I don't like animals, I do. I currently have a cat, and I've always had some form of pet my whole life. I just like the relaxing aspect of being out in the woods and I also like eating tasty food. Most animals on this planet serve two functions, to fit well and to taste good. That excludes pets. If my sister can't handle that because she's some NYC vegan hipster, too bad. I'm a country boy now. The only thing keeping me from being 100% redneck now is the fact that I don't like piss water beer, NASCAR or country music.
Anyways here's a pic of me and my deer.

Anyways here's a pic of me and my deer.

Congratulations on the deer. I could see why your vegan sister would be upset, but with deer they really don't have enough natural predators and are really overpopulating, at least where I'm at that is what is going on.
Tom I think I outgrew monster trucks when I was about 10. And now as an adult the among fuel they use and the cost of it just boggles my mind.