opening day of rifle season for deer was yesterday. was up at 4am (on my day off) out in the woods by 5:30 for the ass crack of dawn. stayed out till about 2pm. lots of gunshots heard, 6 doe seen, and 1 6 pointer but nothing i could get a shot on. kinda disappointed. at least it wasn't 30 degrees and raining like it was last year on opening day. about to head back out in a few now to try again. cold, overcast morning, should be good hunting.
stealth mode activate.

and on top of that, im a real man, i hunt with a 1944 8mm Mauser K98k that weighs close to 9 lbs.

best of luck to anyone else that's out there.
and me and Sean got a little antsy after not shooting anything. so we took some of the left over propane tanks from the east coast camping trip out into the back, a candle, and a 22 rifle. we successfully set half my back yard on fire for a few seconds. it was fun as hell.
stealth mode activate.

and on top of that, im a real man, i hunt with a 1944 8mm Mauser K98k that weighs close to 9 lbs.

best of luck to anyone else that's out there.
and me and Sean got a little antsy after not shooting anything. so we took some of the left over propane tanks from the east coast camping trip out into the back, a candle, and a 22 rifle. we successfully set half my back yard on fire for a few seconds. it was fun as hell.
I did not expect those propane tanks to make that large of explosions - I figured they would be smaller and slower.
Lol I was doing that as a kid. Try a 20 lb one! Use a road flare!