Two months ago I met an amazing girl online on plentyoffish. Granted she's a good deal younger than me but we hit it off. We talked for hours a day. Same interests and same personality. I've tried real hard to meet her but between my jobs and her working two jobs and having a young baby it hasn't been easy. Lately tho I think she's...
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Most people that follow me on here are also friends with me on Facebook. So I'm just going to rehash my thoughts concerns and rants on here just in case
The past week has been a trying time for everyone nationwide and everyone wants something to be done. But most people could care less what is done as long as something is done, looking for...
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The past week has been a trying time for everyone nationwide and everyone wants something to be done. But most people could care less what is done as long as something is done, looking for...
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In 2005 I took a trip to the Toronto SG Prom. It was there that I first realized just how many of our freedoms had already been lost. And it hasn't gotten better since then.
When George W Bush got re elected a friend of mine moved to New Zealand saying that he couldn't live any longer in a country that would vote for that guy twice. I thought it was a bit extreme at the time, but now I look back and the only thing I wonder is why I didn't leave sooner.
Most of the changes have been due to 9-11. But very few of the things that have changed have made us safer. It's the illusion of safety that has us blinded.
Take Penn Station in NYC for example. It is now patrolled by National Guardsmen carrying assault weapons. In all honesty can you say that they would be useful against a suicide bomber? Can you really use a machine gun in a crowded train station? To me it makes no sense whatsoever.
I don't think it's necessary to over react to every situation. I think that the gun culture of the US has some blame for sure, but there needs to be solutions across the board. What they are I have no idea. And I think a lot of people looking for answers don't have a clue either. And so you get knee jerk reactions and more losses of freedoms.
When George W Bush got re elected a friend of mine moved to New Zealand saying that he couldn't live any longer in a country that would vote for that guy twice. I thought it was a bit extreme at the time, but now I look back and the only thing I wonder is why I didn't leave sooner.
Most of the changes have been due to 9-11. But very few of the things that have changed have made us safer. It's the illusion of safety that has us blinded.
Take Penn Station in NYC for example. It is now patrolled by National Guardsmen carrying assault weapons. In all honesty can you say that they would be useful against a suicide bomber? Can you really use a machine gun in a crowded train station? To me it makes no sense whatsoever.
I don't think it's necessary to over react to every situation. I think that the gun culture of the US has some blame for sure, but there needs to be solutions across the board. What they are I have no idea. And I think a lot of people looking for answers don't have a clue either. And so you get knee jerk reactions and more losses of freedoms.
So last Friday I finally got me a deer. Filled my buck tag for the year. I'm stoked about it and my parents love that they now have at least 60 lbs of meat in the freezerthat they didn't have to buy and isnt full of injected chemicals. But my vegan sister is freaking the fuck out that I am a hunter and that I...
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Congratulations on the deer. I could see why your vegan sister would be upset, but with deer they really don't have enough natural predators and are really overpopulating, at least where I'm at that is what is going on.
Tom I think I outgrew monster trucks when I was about 10. And now as an adult the among fuel they use and the cost of it just boggles my mind.
Once again mother nature gives me the finger. I took this week off, two months ago, to hunt since it's prime time for deer and small game. Then some bitch named Sandy has to come blowing and spewing all over the place. Last year there was a huge snowpocolypse when I took off to hunt this time in October. Apparently im never allowed to take...
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Man! I am sorry that sucks that this was the week you took off!
Stay safe!
Stay safe!
Stupid storm, it's pissing off everyone.
I like Jeep Cherokees and have owned four of 'em but got burned out. Literally, the '95 Country burned to the frame in my driveway after a fire started in the dash while parked in my garage. I had a 2000 Sport that was like driving an adult-sized Power Wheel. The quality went down hill. The early 90's models are best but just worn out now.
Anything new and exciting in the life of me? Nope. Turned 31. Still work 2 jobs, 7 days a week. Haven't found a woman. Still bore out of my mind from being alone. Barely getting by on bills and my car still hasn't been fixed. Insomnia is kicking my ass and I haven't been eating right or exercising lately. Bought a kayak to go fishing...
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Happy Bday!
Oh man you gotta get out in that kayak!
And I always love your stories of hunting on FB!
Oh man you gotta get out in that kayak!
And I always love your stories of hunting on FB!

Hunting season should change things for the better - at least get you into a routine and get you outside a bit more. Making changes takes time and it's easier if you try and do it one step at a time - start small with pieces of what you want to do - like start by changing one meal a day and go from there. Still a lot easier said than done though

Hunting season should change things for the better - at least get you into a routine and get you outside a bit more. Making changes takes time and it's easier if you try and do it one step at a time - start small with pieces of what you want to do - like start by changing one meal a day and go from there. Still a lot easier said than done though

Holy crap. I've been a member on here for almost 10 years. Mind blown.
Just recently I was thinking about how young so many SG members are. Then I realized that I became a member when I was their age...
all the pictures are in the facebook group - i tagged you in a million too!
All I got to say is Fuck My Life 

Ah yeah. That's right. I'm back. So show me your genitals.
opening day of rifle season for deer was yesterday. was up at 4am (on my day off) out in the woods by 5:30 for the ass crack of dawn. stayed out till about 2pm. lots of gunshots heard, 6 doe seen, and 1 6 pointer but nothing i could get a shot on. kinda disappointed. at least it wasn't 30 degrees and raining like it...
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I did not expect those propane tanks to make that large of explosions - I figured they would be smaller and slower.
Lol I was doing that as a kid. Try a 20 lb one! Use a road flare!
subscription ran out, but atleast i had a 3 month free one sitting in my inbox since sept. so im back for another 3 months.
lucky and good vibe!

We can never know what goes on with someone else.
I promise you though, you can never be too old to find someone.