Bullet pointed news about literary whore, Alan Goldsher:

-My book "Modest Mouse: A Pretty Good Read" will be published by Thomas Dunne Books in August. If you want a mega-super-special-secret excerpt, drop a note at aprettygoodread@hotmail.com

-My music industry blognovel "And Then... The True Naomi Story as told by Naomi" can be viewed at http://blog.myspace.com/thetruenaomistory.

-Um, that's pretty much it.

Looking for some good readin'? Of course you are, which means you need to surf over to http://blog.myspace.com/thetruenaomistory and check out my novel, "And Then...." Here's a quick synopsis and my bio:

The True Naomi Story as told by Naomi
a novel by Alan Goldsher

Her high school years were defined by boring advanced placement classes and unrequited love, but now singer and...
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Thanks to everybody who have contributed to my book about Modest Mouse. For those of you who are coming in late, I'm working on a book called "A Pretty Good Read: Good News, Bad News, Isaac Brock & Modest Mouse," which will be published next fall. I'm almost done, so if you feel like seeing your name in print, you have about one more week....
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Big news: I'm working on a biography of Modest Mouse, which will be published next fall by St. Martin's Press (they're one of the biggies). Isaac Brock is a notoriously prickly dude, so he won't be participating, thus the book is going to be unauthorized. That said, I need help:

Anybody that can offer any help on the book -- stories, contacts, pictures, whatever --...
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Big news: I'm working on a biography of Modest Mouse, which will be published next fall by St. Martin's Press (they're one of the biggies). Isaac Brock is a notoriously prickly dude, so he won't be participating, thus the book is going to be unauthorized. That said, I need help:

Anybody that can offer any help on the book -- stories, contacts, pictures, whatever --...
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it hasn't been forever since i updated, but damn close...right now, the overriding issue in my life is ye olde job hunt...i'm crazy qualified for, like, everything -- problem is, i didn't go to college...so some dude from, like, university of michigan has a better shot of getting a gig than my wildly experienced ass...starbucks, here i come... frown
people who answer craig's list ads sometimes suck...i've been waiting for this dude to come by and look at some of the crap i'm selling as part of my moving sale...he's totally late, and i don't have his phone number, and i'm royally pissed... mad
how about musicians who beg you to not look for another b/c they love your shit and want to work with you, and on that note, they disappear forever. eeek

i'm moving next month, and being a virgo, i started packing over the weekend, and the apt. is a disaster area...did i mention i have about 700 books and 2000 cd's?...funny how material possessions become less important to you if you have to pack them up....
rather ridiculous..same people everywhere i go,hahaha are you still doing the dear abby thing?
people who answer craig's list ads sometimes suck...i've been waiting for this dude to come by and look at some of the crap i'm selling as part of my moving sale...he's totally late, and i don't have his phone number, and i'm royally pissed... mad
i'm baaaaaaaack...i was only gone from sg for, like, three minutes, but i'm sure it was as rough for all you as it was for me... biggrin
Look for me soon........Aural's got a brand new bag!