i broke my ankle the day before yesterday...it blows for a zillion different reasons, but one of the worst is that i'm basically gonna miss the month of october, my fave month... frown frown frown frown frown
God that sux. Another SG friend of mine just broke his arm! And get this for strange, I showed up at the scene of the accident, not 2 minutes later..... I think October is going to be a strange month, so maybe it's not so bad you'll miss it. Sorry honey.
everybody i know is out of town this weekend, so i'm kicking it eric carmen style: "ALL BY MYSELLLLFFFFFFFFF"...it's all good, though -- i could stand to save some $$$, plus i'll have plenty of time to bang out some more pages of my novel...which, by the way, i'm now halfway through...yay, me! biggrin
happy birthday
i'm embarrassed to admit this on this site fill with cool guys and hot girls, but today is my fantasy football draft...please don't think i'm pathetic.. smile
thanks for the smooch! and the appreciation.
ps. I don't think you're pathetic.... I couldn't, I'm the biggest baseball geek on the planet.
a mad loud thunderstorm just woke my white ass up...normally i dig mad lound t-storms, but not when my white ass needs sleep...sigh...
ohmigawd, ohmigawd, ohmigawd -- i just pre-ordered a "goodfellas" special edition 2-dvd set, with all kinds of extra stuff (commentary, making of crap, etc.)...can't wait biggrin biggrin biggrin
hey there! my e-mail's down cause I owe Comcast a lotta money. if you want a session call me. my cell number's on the website. smile
hello there fellow chicagoan smile
just saw the metallica movie...good flick, but their music still gets on my nerves... mad
changed my mind on getting a new tat...what with that whole i'm-living-life-as-a-freelancer thing, i gotsta save my benjamins for, y'know, food... frown
Oh, too bad. That's sad. Where you been? ARRR!!!
okay, i'm jonesing for some ink, but i can't decide what or where -- two pretty big issues, non?...

where-wise, i'm thinking either the back of the neck, or a band around my arm, kind of near the elbow area

what-wise, i'm clueless...i've been digging black work lately, so keep that in mind when you send me your suggestions...

oh, yeah -- i quit my...
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i think you should get a banana tat on your forehead
i'm baaaaaaaack!

(insert evil sounding laughter here mad )
i've got nothing to say, but it's okay... frown
saw mike doughty at the abbey pub last night...phenom!...so few people, though...can't figure that shit out...