so i almost died today and yesterday. yesterday i almost got hit by a car and today a big metal rack almost fell on me and killed me. is someone out to get me or am i defying fate?
can someone please tell me how to upload a fuckin picture? am i that retarded? guess so...
i got my bank statement depressing. its raining and my car wont work in the rain...but!!! my sister invited me up to nyc for halloween...sweet!!!
doode, i got hot to death today some lady got in my face about i dont even know what. i was like 'what the fuck' i told her to back the fuck off...its funny because i can take a lot of shit and im pretty shy...usually. but oh well, it happens i guess. bad days suck
can someone please tell me how to upload a fuckin picture? am i that retarded? guess so...
[Edited on Oct 16, 2004 12:11AM]
doode, i got hot to death today some lady got in my face about i dont even know what. i was like 'what the fuck' i told her to back the fuck off...its funny because i can take a lot of shit and im pretty shy...usually. but oh well, it happens i guess. bad days suck