Spend enough time on the internet and you'll find you tend to gravitate to the same sites all the time, I've been back here again and again, I'm unable, and more to the point unwilling, to resist the pull of this site any more, so here I am.
More Blogs
Sunday Apr 19, 2009
What a lovely evening I had last night, went out early, got bored and… -
Tuesday Apr 14, 2009
Sometimes I'm a right girl, I watched Garden State again last night, … -
Friday Apr 10, 2009
I think I have mumps. How is that even possible? I'm a 32 year old ma… -
Tuesday Mar 31, 2009
Had a good, uneventful birthday, despite the laziest service I've eve… -
Saturday Mar 28, 2009
Looking at my profile I think the top 10 lists are the wrong way roun… -
Sunday Mar 22, 2009
I feel crappy today, which is par for the course on a Sunday, and usu… -
Monday Mar 09, 2009
What can you say in Blogs on this site? I want to say something but i… -
Sunday Mar 08, 2009
Spend enough time on the internet and you'll find you tend to gravita…