What a lovely evening I had last night, went out early, got bored and came home about 10ish, closely followed by my housemate and his fiancee who were intending to cook, clearly they'd not had the greatest day as after about five minutes they started arguing about absolutely nothing. Man you could have cut the atmosphere in the room with a knife. Understandable though, she...
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Sometimes I'm a right girl, I watched Garden State again last night, and if it wasn't for the fact there we're 4 other people watching it with me I'd probably have cried at the end, and not even tears of sadness but tears of soppy, easy manipulated joy.
I love that film though, it manages to perfectly embody something intangible to me, there aren't many...
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I love that film though, it manages to perfectly embody something intangible to me, there aren't many...
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thank you!!!!
never read the sandman comics, but I would like too
http://flamingice.angryghost.info/project/ check this out it's how English words came from myths only about greek and roman though poor Norse they get forgotten all the time and they are such a supior race, you should read my first blog today it talks about a book I was reading on the psyici and what the norse believed in about the inner world of themself
http://flamingice.angryghost.info/project/ check this out it's how English words came from myths only about greek and roman though poor Norse they get forgotten all the time and they are such a supior race, you should read my first blog today it talks about a book I was reading on the psyici and what the norse believed in about the inner world of themself
I think I have mumps. How is that even possible? I'm a 32 year old man, I shouldn't be getting stuff like that. Whatever, I just wish I could swallow properly and didn't feel like crap.
I saw Monsters Vs Aliens in 3D last night, it was good in a basic way, and the 3D really does add something to films, but the people in...
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I saw Monsters Vs Aliens in 3D last night, it was good in a basic way, and the 3D really does add something to films, but the people in...
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okay I will have to check that out , and thanks, I can be nasty to people but then I feel bad
the world is filled with Sociopaths
Had a good, uneventful birthday, despite the laziest service I've ever experienced at a restaurant for lunch, the end of the day ended with a load of my friends coming round and playing a really convoluted CSI board game I got from an aunt, The game was pretty rubbish and we didn't have enough booze, but it just felt really good doing something dumb with...
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who didn't have a crush on Daniel-san back in the day..oh well I guess if your a man who's straight then yea,
ha ha lol
Looking at my profile I think the top 10 lists are the wrong way round, but maybe that's just me as it seems to suit other people fine. Books rather than authors and Bands over albums seems to be contrary to the way I consume culture. I've listened to, and loved, many brilliant first albums and then been vastly disappointed by the artists other work,...
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I feel crappy today, which is par for the course on a Sunday, and usually not too bad as I just ignore everyone else and wander around the house until I feel ok enough to go out.
But today is mothers day, so the parents are coming round for food (penne with chicken, green beans, pine nuts and goats cheese) I could do that part...
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But today is mothers day, so the parents are coming round for food (penne with chicken, green beans, pine nuts and goats cheese) I could do that part...
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What can you say in Blogs on this site? I want to say something but it seems odd to blog about the same old stuff you would anywhere else. Add to that the fact that I'm not a hot girl and I'm floundering.
So the most logical thing to talk about seems to be reasons for being here, why choose suicide girls? To most of...
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So the most logical thing to talk about seems to be reasons for being here, why choose suicide girls? To most of...
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Spend enough time on the internet and you'll find you tend to gravitate to the same sites all the time, I've been back here again and again, I'm unable, and more to the point unwilling, to resist the pull of this site any more, so here I am.
Thanks for introducing me to that Poem it was beautiful..
2.what movies ?
3.and he tried to stop you ?
4.what course did you do