11/17: Share an animal story

I have too many animal stories to pick just one, but I can think of a great one when my BIG fella was just a teeny little thing...

So there I am, minding my own business, just hanging out at home, folding some laundry while my little foster kittens run around cheerfully... Only to hear the saddest, little series of...
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nice cat
Hahaha one of my pups is a cry baby too, I understand that feeling!

11/11: Who are your favourite local artists? Share some of their works!

Hey Guys!

This weeks homework has me incredibly excited! I have been really looking forward to getting into blogging more on here, and on my many social media platforms... but it takes some amount of head space and a reasonable level of emotional stability to blog or else your brain doesn't really think...
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@sundew @cattleya @spyce @heidimae @tulipe @toxic tag me in your so I can check out your artists :)

This is going to be very tame for most people, but it's out there for me.

I'm VERY liberal about my nudity at home, during shoots and in any place that I feel "safe". As to be expected that doesn't include the outside, unless it's for a good reason.

But yesterday, for the first time in ever (without a giant sweater on), I ventured outside...
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Really? Here I can only find large sizes that are nice, but I never go to the shopping centres for my clothes, so that might be a part of the problem. Maybe only the big stores sell nice things for little boobies. Just another reason that I'm just going to start making my own.
I love to see a lady not wearing one it's a bit erotica and beautiful all at the same time