I AM 25 TODAY!!!!!! That is half way to 50! I can't believe it! Oh well....at least I still look good, right?! 
I will probably go have some drinks later with friends. This Sunday is my bridal shower!!!!! I can't believe that either! Wow....time is going by so so fast! It needs to sloooowwww down!
I am getting married in less than two months! I am pretty excited, he is awesome.
My life recently has consisted of : playing with my kitty, smelling pretty flowers, taking walks outside, drinking beer, lots of laughter, playing pool, nakedness of course, going fishing, preparing for wedding, working to make a livin', and overall just being happy.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to get tattooed soon!!!!!!!!! I am so going to and I can not wait!!!!!!
I have some pictures for youuuuu
Hope you enjoy
I will be taking more soon! I also want to share a few sexies as I do from time to time..... for your viewing pleasure !
Soooooooooo sexy and also a sweetie pie!!!!!!!!!!!
I just love her!!!!! <3 <3
Has always been one of my favorite girls on the site!!!!!! Such a unique look with a PERFECT body!
Sexiest stoner I know!
The new multi with Dimples is to die for! Mmmmmmm!
<3 <3 Some of my favorite tattoos I have ever seen! Love it.
Always gorgeous and sexy. End of story.
Sure can pull off ANY hair color. Such a beautiful lady <3
Check on Member Review and show her love on her sexy new set by Alissa!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooo many beautiful ladies, it blows my mind! I feel flattered to be a part of this community. I love it. I really really hope to shoot a new set soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 Can not wait for you guys and gals to see more of me!
My set "Bonnie" is still in Member Review!!!!!!!! Please leave me some more love!

Buffy kisssessssssss!

I will probably go have some drinks later with friends. This Sunday is my bridal shower!!!!! I can't believe that either! Wow....time is going by so so fast! It needs to sloooowwww down!

My life recently has consisted of : playing with my kitty, smelling pretty flowers, taking walks outside, drinking beer, lots of laughter, playing pool, nakedness of course, going fishing, preparing for wedding, working to make a livin', and overall just being happy.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to get tattooed soon!!!!!!!!! I am so going to and I can not wait!!!!!!

I have some pictures for youuuuu

Hope you enjoy


Soooooooooo sexy and also a sweetie pie!!!!!!!!!!!


Has always been one of my favorite girls on the site!!!!!! Such a unique look with a PERFECT body!


Sexiest stoner I know!


<3 <3 Some of my favorite tattoos I have ever seen! Love it.

Always gorgeous and sexy. End of story.


Sure can pull off ANY hair color. Such a beautiful lady <3


Check on Member Review and show her love on her sexy new set by Alissa!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooo many beautiful ladies, it blows my mind! I feel flattered to be a part of this community. I love it. I really really hope to shoot a new set soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 Can not wait for you guys and gals to see more of me!

My set "Bonnie" is still in Member Review!!!!!!!! Please leave me some more love!

Also hope to see you with that gorgeous set on FP soon!