Hopeless night at the bar, except that I did have fun with my friends and my ex,Grrlhavoc. It was nice. I am so glad that she can still be my friend and hang out with me. Earlier this evening, we went to hang out at Grrlhavoc's brother's house for cake and fun with the family. I am also very happy that her family will still be my family, and love me and spend time with me, even if she's not around. I do not regret the beautiful relationship that we shared for one minute, it brought lots of joy, growth, learning, and togetherness. Things that I have never had much experience with, I am still happy to have Grrlhavoc in my life as my very closest friend. Today was not a day that all was lost. In fact today was a good day.

anyway - i was glad to meet you.. hopefully we can talk more soon!