Well, its official New York State has passed a new budget! The response to a record deficit was....record spending and tax increase...YEAH!!! I'm as caring as anyone, but after spending my life in NY and watching every conceivable form of service fee, surcharge or just plain tax, when does all this spending give the promised results. Billions on education, Buffalo has a 34 percent rate of illiteracy, and a 21% high school graduate rate, we spend ove $12K per student per year and thats the best we can do???? Our roads and bridges are crumbling, our public transportation is a joke, our unemploymeny hovers at around 12% and we raise taxes. This budget was conceived over the weekend by the assembly speaker, the senate president, and the governor, all NYC liberals. It was rubber stamped by both houses and was soundly defeated in the Western half of NY. The seven counties of western New York get 35 cents from Albany for every dollar we get taxed.....No wonder Buffalo is a crumbling sewer!!!! TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENATATION!!!!!!
What do you expect from local government? Or shall I say government in general?
thank you for your comment on my set!!!! < 3<3