This is a dawn of a new day for our nation! Divisiveness is relagated to the scrapheap of history and, hopefully, we can move forward as a nation and bring prosperity to our land! I am thinking of going to DC to see the inaugaration for the first time in my life. We have placed our hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow on the back of one man, and we all need to help him carry us forward. Peace to all, and God Bless America!
There is a dawn for a new day in the near future for our nation.. I just hope it's everything everyone hopes it will be! Everyone is putting so much hope on one man.. a man I'm not sure people know too much about! I hope this change he is talking about won't break us.. it would be awesome for it to bring us together.. and that we will become ONE nation once again..
That was one hella awesome comment you left my new set. I really loved reading it! Thanks also for your support, you rock sweetie!