You know it occurred to me taht the United States is a lot like a Beta(Siamese Fighting Fish) We sit alone in our little bowl and when the rest of the world approaches we puff up and take on an aggressive stance, but in the end we are just a lonely fish in a little bowl, relying on others to feed us and change our water!!!! We need to become the nation of freedom ,of hope, of opportunity again. My grandparents came from Ireland and Germany in the 1900's and were met with racism and ignorance and even intolerance, but all the while America offerd more than any Old World country, we were China, but with civil rights and real ability to make millionaires out pee-ons, now we can't find a product made here and we have disillusioned youth selling drugs and killing because we have sent all our opportunities away and left us with low end jobs with no future.....I guess i must be crazy, I see a fish in a bowl then rant away!!!
You are not crazy.. you are right! It is..true and I agree with you! I think a big issue is that we have forgotten how hard we fought for our freedom!
lol no your just an inspired person.