Oh well, here we go again.....when does it sink in to these bozos running the country that we are in a depression. Fuel,food,housing, stagnant wages, corporate greed, unions being destroyed, WAR that never ends or shows signs of a conclusion......our "leaders" think steroids in baseball is an important issue, Barry Bonds is more important than the new ever more abundant foreclosed homeless, new gas taxes will fix the problems caused by more expensive fuel(????#$@%%) People we need to stop and look around. We have been sold a bill of goods with Nafta, the environment, easy credit...Its all crap. You can't have free trade when the countries your trading with point guns at people who disagree, or pour toxic crap in the ground and air and everywhere there is to put it. China is the enemy of free people everywhere. The US government and corporations (one in the same these days) are lying that the Chinese people are prospering...birth defects, no civil rights, starvation, slaves to a system that keeps you down, sounds like prosperity to me. Think whenyou buy something, support a free Tibet, Remember Tianamman Square! VOTE this election day, find a candidate you beleive in and help him or her win. Be active in your community and make sure that party dogma is not the reason you support them. We need a revolution in this country, and it needs to start now! THROW THE BUMS OUT!!!! Be true to your self and what you beleive, have character and courage, and have faith in the constitutional rights we have been given as a gift from God. Read more than the internet, a thinking populace cannot be exploited!
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 14, 2009
Read in the local paper that the grain harvest is in and there is an … -
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The whirring noise heard around the world is Alfred Nobel spinning in… -
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Monday Sep 28, 2009
Monday, September 28, summer is over, I'm still unemployed, I run ou… -
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Wednesday Jul 15, 2009
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Someone asked the other day, what do you want from life? Almost a we… -
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Happy Independence Day!!! Do we truly live independent lives? Are w…