So this could get ranty just to let ya know.

And please forgive the typos. I'm a professional Grammar Nazi - I don't do it in my free time.

I had an interview today, well a third stage of an interview process of which no one else was going for the job. Yeah I had to jump through a few hoops.

The job was to...
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Trying out another blog homework.

This is easy - I am blessed enough to live in a foreign country with plenty of expats. The language we all communicate in is English - the international language. As I'm an English teacher/proofreader, I'm often asked about how to improve the accent of someones spoken English or how to use 'proper' English. Of course I can help a...
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good luck in the achievement of your goal! and как дела? )))
Thanks, and Хорошо, спасибо :p though that is most of the Russian that I can actually remember, I haven't used it in so long 

What's made me happy This week? Well @rambo and @missy , I'll tell you.

I started cooking again, and I mean really cooking. I've gone WAY too long without doing anything proper in the kitchen over the last 2 and a half years. I was living in a foreign country where I had NO idea about the language and the supermarkets were either stupidly expensive...
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Sweet looking brownies, glad your able to cook again and be happy. 
@madmaxthehatter Thanks, had no idea how much i missed it until i started again. Payday today - off to the  supermarket xD 


So I finally did it. I opened my own business. I'm working in and based in Prague doing Proofreading and editing for translation companies and websites. First couple of weeks went well, had a load of work to do and a major client (for me anyway) put me through to one of his coworkers in Scandinavia which was great. But since last week work seems...
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@rambo @lyamoon @ainoa @skyylar @insatiableindica @jackye Thanks! First month and still going strong :D
Cool 😊