the fat man got a raise today!
its not much, but you know what.... i am not complaing (much.. or out loud for that matter). Also the highers ups put thier foot down.. no more buddha the incredibly flexible yo-yo boy. I will be working in the back room full time (like i was hired to do!)
So yeah, i got promoted up to do the job they hired me to do originaly.......
its a funny story actually. Around 1:30 or so Steve (the manager) calls me aside and says i have been relieved of cart duty and to report to the backroom were Pete (the fucker who hired me) has some work for me to do.... Also that i must report in at 8 am (fuck... ) to work in the back room, and dont worry.. he will have phill cover my shift (picture a white version of the ladies man). Phil was quite pissed, you see it was about 86 degrees and he had on long khakis (i was in those hot shorts i get to wear). Plus for those of you in the area, you know we got hit by a rather fun thunderstorm later on that afteroon... where i was nice and dry inside. I feel bad for phil, i really do. Wonder if he will stop calling me Chief / Bud / generic friend name.
karaoke Tonight, Welntaod and LittleSister will be in tow.... Hehe can't wait to get my chubby little fingers on the autographed sg book
Welntoad my friend, you rock
Peace, love and Big plans
insert funny saying here that is cryptic
updated already:
well fuck
I just heard about marlon brando
*salutes to Colonel Kurtz*
its not much, but you know what.... i am not complaing (much.. or out loud for that matter). Also the highers ups put thier foot down.. no more buddha the incredibly flexible yo-yo boy. I will be working in the back room full time (like i was hired to do!)
So yeah, i got promoted up to do the job they hired me to do originaly.......

karaoke Tonight, Welntaod and LittleSister will be in tow.... Hehe can't wait to get my chubby little fingers on the autographed sg book

Peace, love and Big plans
insert funny saying here that is cryptic
updated already:
well fuck
I just heard about marlon brando

*salutes to Colonel Kurtz*
damnit. ill get you next time.
i don't even want to know what you two are comparing.. all i know is he looksbetter in drag....